By Ng Yi Shu

The recent ‘disinviting’ episode involving the Channel NewsAsia forum with the Prime Minister has raised eyebrows about the authenticity of the government’s commitment to listen to Singaporeans in the quest to create a Singapore for Our Singaporeans. These disinvitations has made the most cynical Singaporeans even more jaded, as the cynics confirm their belief that the National Day Rally this year, as with years past, has just been hot air.

This is rather unfortunate – as the cynics ought to be the first people the government should enrol in their vision of a national conversation. Notwithstanding the vocal minority responsible for the hateful rhetoric in our political discourse (which was lambasted in the recent National Day Rally), cynics like the disinvited bloggers do have a relatively constructive vision for a better Singapore – one that may not have been what the establishment preferred, but one that still aims to create a better Singapore.

The cynics should be the first people the government and the establishment seek to engage. The government should accept the fact that there will always be extreme views in any argument and public consultation and include them in its considerations – this acceptance is certainly crucial in proving genuine engagement with the public. Without this, it may remain hard to convince the critics of the authenticity of the government’s vision for a new Singaporean narrative.

Extreme alternative views may gain traction and steer our citizens away from what the mainstream community may deem right. Despite this, the government should have faith in the wisdom of collective citizenry. Citizens may not share common concerns with the government – and therefore the government should find ways to explain and educate these citizens to inform them of reasons why our nation will have to go in a certain direction. These explanations will be dismissed by some as an exercise in public relations – and hence there will be an increasing need for the government to place emphasis on freedom of information – to let Singaporeans inform themselves to build a better Singapore.

Cynicism, contention and opposition may build what the PAP fears – political gridlock – yet it remains crucial in political discourse and democracy. Trust too remains a crucial element in policy making and public consultation. Perhaps in its ‘disinvitation’ of bloggers from the Prime Minister’s forum Channel NewsAsia has eliminated a key opportunity for the government to build trust with Singaporeans – and a key opportunity for the government to show that it is indeed genuine in building a new national narrative.

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配合竞消委会等单位调查 华为为低估需求致歉

配合国庆,华为推出54元低价手机促销,但因供不应求引起不满,甚至遭致新加坡竞争与消费委员会质疑,促销活动是否违法。 华为于上周五推出为期三天的特价手机促销,岂知活动首日就因供不应求,引发千人抢购手机的混乱场面。华为公司在消费者协会会长林谋泉指责含有违反保护消费者公平交易,且有刻意误导民众嫌疑后,于昨日(30日)发出声明,透露当天原准备了2000部Y6  Pro手机。 公司表示“明显低估了需求”,没有妥善考虑顾客的安危,而做出道歉。“我们应该为这次促销做出更好的准备。” 公司为了补偿顾客,从26日到28日在华为零售店面注册的5000名顾客将会获得100元的华为智能手机礼券。 有关的顾客,将在下月2日起的两周内,获得华为联系。 质疑华为保存库存 昨日有网民脸书留言申诉,曾到淡滨尼广场(Tampines Mall)的华为概念商店时,获得店员通知Y6 Pro手机已经有货了。 因此她质疑华为刻意把库存保存起来,以限制54元手机促销活动的手机数量。 她也质疑公司是否已经触犯了消费者保护法。…