Following the success of SDP's football competition organised last year, the Young Democrats are pleased to announce the 2nd SDP Football Tournament. This will be held on 22 September 2012 (Saturday) at KickersBay@IndianAssociation, 69 Balestier Road.

Cash prizes of up to $600 will be up for grabs!

The number of participating teams will be increased and as with the tournament last year, exhibition matches will be the highlight.

There will be one addition in this year's event: We will be inviting the various political parties to send in teams for the tournament. Not only are the Democrats ready to fight it out on the political front, we're also ready to mix it up on the pitch!

So come, show us what you’ve got and register for the Tournament NOW! There'll be lots of football fun. We’ll see you at kick-off!

Important Dates:

06/08/2012 – Team Registration Opens

15/09/2012, 0800hrs – Deadline for Registration Fee Payment and Team Registration

22/09/2012, 1400hrs – SDP Football Tournament 2012

The Singapore Democrats are stepping up our efforts to reach out to the community – this time by organising a football tournament. We will be hosting the SDP Football Carnival, an event jointly organised by our Young Democrats and Ground Operations Unit.

The competition is the first of its kind in Singapore and was a resounding success last year. It is open to teams made up of 9 players who will vie for the SDP Challenge Trophy.

General information

1. Winners will be awarded the SDP Challenge Trophy with the champion team's name engraved on the trophy.

2. Medals will be given to players of the champions, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up.

3. The registration fee is $100 per team.

4. For more inquiries, please email Clarence at [email protected]

Eligibility and Entry

1. The competition is open to members of the public.

2. Each team consists of a minimum of 6 players with 3 reserves.

3. The Registration Form and fees must be submitted by 15 September 2012.

Format of competition

1. Playing time

  • Each game will last 10 minutes with no change of halves or interval.

  • The rolling substitution system is adopted for this event ie. teams can bring on their substitutes without waiting for a stoppage.

  • The substitute must alert the technical official/s before he/she can replace the outgoing player.

  • The substitute must wait for the outgoing player to leave the court before joining the play.

2. Teams

  • There will be one goalkeeper and five outfield players.

  • Players can score from any part of the court as long as the ball is in play.

  • When the ball goes out of play, throw-ins are replaced by kick-ins.

3. Play format

  • Teams will be divided into groups in a round-robin format. 3 points are awarded for a win; 1 point for a draw and 0 point for a loss.

  • The top two teams from each group will proceed to play knock-out matches to determine the champion.

  • In the event of a tie in the semi-finals and the finals, the winner of the game will be decided on a penalty shoot-out of 3 penalty kicks. If the shoot-out still ends in a tie, the sudden death shoot-out will be applied to decide an eventual winner.

  • In the event of a tie in the number of points, the outcome will be based on:

    1. better goal difference (Goals For minus Goals Against)

    2. greater number of goals scored (Goals For)

General Rules

1. Please be punctual.

2. Please wear proper sports attire, eg. T-shirt, shorts/sports pants and sports shoes. Avoid wearing all black attire.

3. For safety reasons jewellery, adornments and accessories are not allowed to be worn during the games. However, religious headgear and sports bands are permitted. Players with spectacles are advised to remove them or secure them with spectacle bands.


1. Sliding tackles/tackles from behind are prohibited. The referee will eject the offending player from the court.

2. The referee/Organising Committee reserve the right to eject any player who indulges in any form of serious foul play, brings the game into disrepute or behaves in an offensive, unruly or abusive manner towards other players, officials or members of the Organising Committee. A team may be disqualified from the Competition if it infringes this rule.

3. Any dispute or complaint should be raised to the referee during the day of the competition. The referee shall decide there and then. The decision of the referee in any dispute or complaint is final.

Change of Rules

The Organising Committee reserves the right to revise the rules and regulations as and when appropriate. The decision of the Organising Committee in any dispute is final and no correspondence will be entertained.

Indemnity Clause

The SDP, appointed contractors, sponsors, appointed officials and staff shall not be responsible for any mishap, injury or loss of life that may be suffered by participants and supporters before, during or after the event.

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回溯2015年,在一项访谈活动上,李显龙同理就曾回应,有关新加坡会不会出现类似香港与台湾的抗议政府的示威或群众运动。 根据总理公署发布于2015年1月18日的视频,总理接受记者访谈,其中媒体询及,在香港占领中环运动、台湾学生占领立法院等,都由年轻人领导。那么总理是否担心,类似情况也会发生在新加坡? 但是,总理并没有直接回应,究竟新加坡会不会出现、政府又会否认同这种群众运动。他仅表示,新加坡、台湾和香港,有相似的地方,也有很多不同点。例如三个地方都主要由华人社群组成、都曾是亚洲四小龙,都曾经历迅速的经济成长过程。 他认为,最近十几年,新、港、台已分道扬镳。“香港是中国一部分,香港年轻人担心买不起房子,根本没地方住,更甭论结婚生孩子,”他说,香港人也担心来自中国大陆的竞争和整个中国社会可能完全掩盖了香港的特色。 对于香港占中运动,他认为虽然示威主要诉求是抗议特首选举制度,但背后有其他社会和政治背景。 “台湾毕业生驾德士、做小生意” 当时,李总理认为,大部分台湾人都希望保持现状,且过去十几年来台湾经济确实面对一些问题,“经济发展较慢,年轻人毕业虽不是问题,但是他们当中做不满意的工作也很多,例如驾驶德士,或者做些小生意,甚至到我国拿工作著准证。” 不过,总理似乎忘了,我国一些毕业生也面对找不到工作的问题。以最近的人力部2019年第一季度劳工市场报告,显示30岁以下工作年龄国人,有5.2巴仙失业。有者具有经济、工程学位,但却找不到工作只能开私召车。 他认为台湾经济可能过去十多年来失去明确发展方向,“要向中国走(企业走进中国),又害怕靠拢中国;要离开中国,又走不出去;要让外劳进来又怕影响社会,但没有外劳经济又停滞不前。” 李总理认为我国面对的挑战,在房屋政策上可能觉得政府办的不否快,“但是要买屋子不成问题。在新加坡,大家都是买了屋子才结婚吧?” 他也揶揄,如果在香港和台湾问当地年轻人“什么时候买房?”会被认为是在戏弄他们,因为他们没办法想象买房,除非是大富豪。 当年称毕业生六个月内98巴仙都找到工作…

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