Recently, Kishore Mahbubani, the dean of Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, wrote an Opnion piece entitled ‘A Lawsky Unto Himself’ in the Financial Times alleging Benjamin Lawsky, the superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services was wrong to go after Standard Chartered for dealing with Iran: it is expressly forbidden in the U.S. for banking institutions to have anything to do with Iran.

Lawsky called Standard Chartered a “rogue institution” that hid Iran-linked transactions to the tune of US$250 billion from regulators and broke U.S. sanctions on Iran by involving itself in Iranian money laundering. Standard Chartered settled at US$340 million to avoid further public opprobrium but mainly because the preponderance of evidence is not in its favour.

Of and by itself banks breaking laws is not interesting: they do it all the time with chutzpah and impunity if not immunity.

What is interesting is the dean of Public Policy at NUS making public comments before the case is adjudged. This is tantamount to stirring public emotion to influence the judge/s. In Singapore it is a criminal offence to do so and he should have known better coming from an institution that wears the name of Lee Kuan Yew like a badge of honour.

What is interesting was how both sides attempted to brand each other ’rogue’: a word used to describe something or someone that is different from others in a dangerous or harmful way. Kishore Mahbubani claimed “Mr Lawsky has behaved as a rogue regulator” and his decision to expose StanChart is not based on merits but by domestic political considerations which by standing up to Iran his reputation has been enhanced.

If this whole episode were played out in Singapore, Kishore Mahbubani’s allegation could be deemed defamatory and he runs the risk of being made a bankrupt in a court of law with a 100% record of favoring the government and its supporting cast in one way or another.

He noted regulatory authorities are supposed to stand above politics but politics can protect rogue regulators. I wonder whether he was articulating a subliminal train of thought having lived in Singapore for such a long time.

What is interesting is his alcarity in casting aspersions on the U.S. overall regulatory system to deliver a fair and balanced judment on StanChart. I don’t remember a single instance of him ever raising questions concerning the same in the context of Singapore.

Another of Kishore Mahbubani’s peeves is his claim that since finance is not a domestic industry, what with billions of dollars crossing borders with a click of the mouse, the way to regulate it is through global norms and processes but Mr Lawsky is undermining this global cooperation among financial regulators. He didn’t elaborate what are these global norms and processes but he happily drew a picture of Basel and other international financial regulators in the same boat making huge strides towards cooperation on financial regulation. Last I know the global norms and processes in the financial industry is to screw the public for all that it is worth; remain as opaque as possible; privatise gains and socialise losses.

To his credit he acknowledged that “we are miles away from creating a global regulatory authority.” Notice the use of the pronoun ‘we’ that  gave the game away: he is an intimate and important part of the global  financial industry. Without spin doctors the growth of the financial industry will be seriously stymied not to mention it may be reorganised to provide real useful services instead of functioning as a legalised gambling den with even less oversight than a casino in Singapore.

What is interesting is Kishore Mahbubani’s rant against a government official actually doing his job and Kishore Mahbubani barking up the wrong tree. John E. Hemington, a U.S. attorney at law, observed that ”one can argue whether the US laws concerning dealings with Iran by banking institutions are reasonable or rational, but one cannot argue that they are not the laws.” He noted that Kishore Mahbubani believes global co-operation among regulators is the way to go but he raised an important question: “Until such ‘global co-operation’ is achieved, is it Prof Mahbubani’s position that regulators, operating within the framework of national systems of laws, should simply ignore those laws if they inconvenience those entities subject to the regulation – whether they be national or international in scope?”

John E. Hemington wrote a sublime reply why it is dangerous to adopt a laissez-faire hands-off approach to the banking and finance industry.

In reality it is already clear that, in the world of finance, “regulation” is largely an illusory fiction only rarely applied to restrain miscreants. One would suppose that this is what engendered the shock and surprise when a state regulatory officer actually stepped up to enforce an existing law.

It appears that these global financial powerhouses believe that they and their institutions should always be above the law in whatever jurisdiction they operate; and that their “indiscretions” should be overlooked for the sake of smooth and profitable operation.

If this is to be the case, it would seem to be better simply to eliminate the fraud and pretence of regulation and permit them to operate unconstrained, rather than force regulators into positions of legal and moral compromise.

For this to make any sense at all, though, financial institutions would have to be permitted to actually fail when they misuse, as they inevitably do, their unconstrained access to the world’s supply of capital. Even globally uniform laws are a meaningless charade if they are not enforced when broken.

The most interesting aspect of Kishore Mahbubani’s fulmination against the ‘rogue’ regulator must surely be his sublime portentous observations when the shoe is on the other foot. He railed against Lawsky for not considering whether some day there will be similar retaliation against American bank just because Amercian power appears to be unassailable.

He quoted Bill Clinton in a speech at Yale in 2003 that said as long as Americans believed they would always be No. 1, they should carry on acting unilaterally. But then added: “But if you believe that we should be trying to create a world with rules and partnerships and habits of behaviour that we would like to live in when we’re no longer the military, political, economic superpower in the world, then you wouldn’t do that.”

Kishore Mahbubani praised Bill Clinton for his courage in “whispering a truth that no other American politician would utter in public: America may become No. 2 in the world. And it may become No. 2 in the world sooner than expected. In purchasing power parity, China’s gross national product could become larger than the US’ by 2016.”

Kishore Mahbubani then asked: “How will America react when China begins to behave as unilaterally as Mr Lawsky?  …. Does the US want to encourage single standards or double standards in the global order?”

Admittedly the above is a long discourse. But there is an important point to it. That point is the dean of Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at NUS is able to argue eloquently when it comes to protecting his own gravy train and the interest of the rich and wealthy. However, his bifurcated eloquence failed him miserably when it comes to his courage to whisper a truth no other Singapore politician or stakeholders in the PAP camp would utter in public: PAP may become No. 2 in Singapore. And it may become No. 2 in Singapore sooner than expected.

We don’t see the dean of Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at NUS asking: “How will PAP react when the next ruling party begins to behave as unilaterally as themselves?  …. Does Singapore want to  encourage single standards or double standards in the local polity order?”

In truth it is this scary thought that is keeping me awake at night more than than all the screw ups by the incumbent.

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落实更严厉措施 乐龄活动续停办、娱乐场所关闭

今日(24日),本地新增49起武汉冠状病毒(COVID-19)确诊病例,多达32人都是返国的公民或长期准证持有者。昨日单日新增病例也创下新高,达到54起,卫生部在文告中认为,这意味着本地抗疫已进入新阶段。 当局指出许多国家已采取“锁国”措施,尽管将对当地人日常起居和经济带来干扰,但有助减缓这些国家医疗系统的压力。 “新加坡不能自满,必须采取更严厉安全疏离措施,最大程度低减少活动和群众接触、减少传播风险。”对此卫生部促请所有国人需认真看待和尽一份力。 跨政府部门抗疫工作小组落实的措施包括,把工作场所和校园外的聚集限制在10人以下、保持一米距离等,并将在本月26日晚11时59分生效,预计将维持至下月30日,若疫情仍未好转将可能延长实施期限。 娱乐场所关闭;购物中心、景区缩小运营 与此同时,所有娱乐场所:戏院、酒吧、夜总会、夜店、剧院和卡拉OK等也将从26日晚起关闭;购物中心、博物馆等景点虽可开放,业者也需缩小运营,确保场所内每16平方米的人群密集度仅一人。 公共场所内的导览等也将取消。若购物中心或景区业者无法遵守,或场所成为疫情传播地点,将被罚款。 尽管餐饮地点仍可开放,不过现场不能出现音乐或卡拉OK等活动,避免人群聚集;同时需确保座位分割至少一米;也要限制客人人数在10人以下。 暂停所有补习中心 政府要求所有补习中心或深广课程暂停,以避免来自不同学校的学生接触。此外,所有宗教活动暂停。至于活动聚会的规定和当局早前的要求一样,所有大型活动需取消,且只允许少于250人的活动。 当局也呼吁国人暂时不去参与一些超过10人的社交活动。 针对乐龄人士的活动,则将展延至4月30日。当局也建议患有慢性病的年长者尽量避免出席社交聚会,只有在必要情况如前往工作或购买日用品时才外出;同时受促保持良好个人卫生习惯。…

前学者:大开闸引外劳 激烈人力市场竞争致薪酬拉低

近期,有网民转载分享,一名即将迎来65岁生日的公积金会员,收到了公积金局的来信。信函通知他,在65岁后,可每月从公积金账户中提取250元,为时八年。 不过,如果他有意在65岁就开始提取存款,就必须另行通知当局,否则,就要等到70岁才才能开始提款。 有者舆论,每月250元如何生存,再者八年内每月只能领取250,说明他的公积金存款仅少于三万元。 我们不清楚为何他并没多少公积金积蓄,也许他早年工作几年后,就成了不用还公积金的有钱“头家”,但也可能他是较不幸的群体,半辈子只能到处打零工过活。 无论如何,事实是还有大部分的年长国人,没有足够的公积金积蓄。 去年,人力部长杨莉明在国会指出,2016年,仅53巴仙的公积金会员到了55岁达到全额退休储蓄条件,即达到16万1千元的存款。 相对地,这也意味着,其余有近半、多达47巴仙公积金会员,在2016年年届55岁,仍无法达到全额退休储蓄,乃至最低存款额(8万5500元)的条件。 有些人可能会辩解,公积金存款数额多寡,也和个人薪酬和赚钱能力有关,所以存款少的人只能怪自己没有能力赚得更多。 李光耀公共政策研究院前副院长刘浩典教授,直接驳斥这种谬论。 刘浩典在一篇文章指出,许多中等和低收入国人的财富增长过去十年来十分缓慢。 “一些证据指出我国服务领域劳工比起其他富有国家缺乏生产力。瑞典的巴士司机、清洁工和建筑工友的生产力可能还优于新加坡。” 不过问题来了:我国素质教育已经普及化,为何贫富差距反而加剧?教育普及化不是理应缩减生产力的差距,从而也能减低薪资差异吗?…

针对夫申请转移公积金医罹癌妻 公积金局公开回应

日前本社报导,一名印裔公民,为了能治好妻子的病,向中央公积金局申请,将自己的普通和特别户头存款,转移到妻子的保健储蓄(medisave)户头,好让妻子能继续抗癌。但是,公积金局拒绝了苏利亚的要求。 人权律师拉维于10日在脸书更新近况,表示他的律师团队已经入禀高庭,以申请强制令要求公积金局,准许他领取积蓄籍转移给妻子莎若吉妮户头,作抗癌医疗费用。 不过,公积金局与卫生部于今日(7月12日)发表联合文告,尝试厘清莎若吉妮个案中的一些细节,并解释莎若吉妮的终身健保、个人保险等已为她承担大部分医疗费,且公积金局自2017年以来,已尝试透过各种配套施予援手。 必须注意的是,目前苏利亚提出的诉求,是希望当局能批准他提出自己的公积金普通和特别户头,转移到妻子户口作为治疗费用。惟在文告中当局除了对夫妇俩处境深表遗憾,但未提及条例下55岁才能转移至亲户口的限制,以及是否特别通融现年47岁的苏利亚这么做,拯救爱妻。 在文告中,公积金局解释,自2017年,患有卵巢癌的莎若吉妮,选择在伊丽莎白私人医院和百汇癌症中心(PCC)寻求治疗。百汇癌症中心告知莎若吉妮夫妇,她的癌况近末期已无法治愈。 2018年,她前往国立大学医院咨询第二意见,而她得到的答案亦同。文告解释,国大医院献议莎若吉妮可预约转介到该医院接受津贴治疗。 “莎若吉妮选择继续在私立、无津贴的百汇癌症中心接受治疗, 她的终身健保到目前为止为她支付六万元医疗和住院费用。而加上她的私人保险,保险至今为她支付了30万元,涵盖了她在百汇和伊丽莎白医院90巴仙的医疗费。” 公积金局续解释莎若吉妮获得的保障,指自2017年10月,莎若吉妮可从乐龄健保每月领取1100元,至今累积2万3000元,得以为他们减轻财务负担。 “莎若吉妮和丈夫苏利亚也从他们的健保储蓄中,领取9000元供治疗用途。” 公积金局称,2017年,鉴于百汇癌症中心的评估指莎若吉妮病情严重,她获准从公积金普通和特别户头领取2万5000元。 至于公积金局家庭保障计划( Home…

逢周二早上10点 民主党办小六中文补习班

新加坡民主党秘书长徐顺全宣布,将从下月1日开始,每逢周二为武吉巴督单选区内的小五、小六学生,办中文补习班。 补习班将针对那些明年将升上小五和小六的学子,并且名额优先给升小六备考的清寒子弟。 据徐顺全分享帖文,中文补习班将从每周二早上10点至11点半,到开学再调整时间,至于补习班加上教材等,收费仅60元。 补习老师考取南大中文系学士资格,具有40年在初级学院和中学执教的经验。 他指出,若家长住在武吉巴督,有兴趣让孩子参与补习班,可直接填表格,拨电联系8413 0302或电邮[email protected]询问详情。即便因一些原因无法负担补习费,也可商讨。 Good news for P6 students who…