Project Singapore 2012 aims to foster empathy by promoting the idea of a common, shared humanity between the local community and the 206,000 women, mostly from the Philippines and Indonesia, who are working as domestic workers in Singapore.

During the exhibition, a video , a collaborative effort by the international college student team and the VJC student team, will be first revealed. The video will illustrate their take on the issue.

Furthermore, the exhibition will be an avenue for local high school and university students who have interest on service leadership, or who simply care about issues in the South East Asia to find more about SEALnet.

More information can be found here.

Come and join us on this Friday 17th Aug and Saturday 18th Aug!

*Event details*

Friday 17th Aug from 10am to 6pm.
Venue: Victoria Junior College Concourse
From Saturday 18th Aug to Thursday 31st Aug from 10am to 5pm.
Venue: Bedok Public Library
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