~ by Bertha Henson ~

My nephew, aged 3, is teaching his grandma how to use the iPhone. His tiny fingers fly across the iPad screen too, killing monsters and turning nursery rhymes on and off, low volume, high volume. Brows furrowed, he can spend hours focused on the gadgets. The house is quiet.

Strange how in the past, how parents dump their children in front of the television set to keep them out of mischief. Now you achieve the same effect with smaller stuff.

I am not comfortable with his fascination for mobile gadgets. So whenever I am with him, we engage in sword-play, catching, a bout of wrestling, colouring and Lego building. He still doesn’t want to look for caterpillars and grasshoppers on the condo grounds and said a definite no to hunting for spiders…Why am I not comfortable? I am not sure. Perhaps, because that was not the way my peers and I grew up.

Which was why I was interested to read the ST report on the Linksters, whose young lives revolve on their mobile gadgets. The survey confirmed what we already know – that they spend most of their time online, connected to friends and prefer to communicate virtually. That they grew up in affluent times and want different things from their parents and grandparents.

Okay. So what? Is this a good thing or bad thing? Something that society has to live with, because they will BE that society soon? Or something to counter now?

The only supposed consequence reported was that employers (those old fuddy duddies) will have a harder time dealing with them when they get out in the workplace. Yesterday’s Sunday Times piece by Serene Goh also noted that their views will be formed  by the peers, rather than the more steadying influence of the older and wiser. (P.S. – Shouldn’t the survey have been reported FIRST, before a commentary run?)

I was also drawn by sociologist Tan Ern Ser’s remarks that the “good news” (in quotes) is that the youngsters are still exposed to community projects, internships and part-time jobs.  I assume then that the survey is “bad  news”?

I think parents badly need some guidance now on the pros and cons of bringing up a Linkster. Time and again, you see reports of studies on the good/bad effects of such connectedness. The general focus, however, has been to shield the youngsters from predators online and bad material.

What about the whole online/mobile culture? Will Wikipaedia be the source of all knowledge? Will everything that happens or is said become a question of whether you ‘Like’ it or not? Will friendship be measured by the number of Facebook friends you have, rather those friends who will offer you a REAL shoulder to cry on?

I consider them pressing questions because parents can switch off the television, but it’s harder to keep a mobile phone out of a youngster’s hands. Or maybe they shouldn’t? We definitely need some pretty expert opinion here.

My nephew knows not to touch MY iPhone – on pain of the cane. I’d rather much prefer he gets bruised  and knee scrapes and the house be filled with his hollering – than quiet tapping. Someone please tell me why.

This article first appeared on Bertha Henson's blog. Bertha Henson is a former Associate Editor of The Straits Times.

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他国被迫“锁国” 陈川仁:一开始未能管控病毒传播

在今日(25日)召开国会前夕,国会议长陈川仁今早在脸书发文,指其他国家被迫转向“封境”措施,是因为未能一开始管控住传播,导致后来病例数增长、医疗体系不堪重负。 “这正是在中国、伊朗、意大利发生的事,接下来会是… …?”他也指当前这些国家只能采取封锁减缓病毒传播,但他担忧可能已错过防堵窗口。陈川仁也指我国还在可控范围,还不到上述国家的地步,因为一开始就已采取措施,例如香港、台湾和韩国也展示他们如何应对疫情。 新加坡在昨日新增49起武汉冠状病毒(COVID-19)确诊病例,本地累计确诊558例。与此同时我国也宣布落实更严厉措施,包括乐龄活动停办、娱乐场所停止运营等。 有不少民众质问,为何当初就采取严谨措施?为何政策一改再改?有者甚至质问是否这些措施太严苛? 对此陈川仁认为,打从疫情出现,我国就致力把感染率维持在最低,以便能更好地照顾病患,透过一些列措施来追踪和隔离,致使目前得以把病例数量维持在可控范围,医疗系统不至于超过负荷,医护人员能照顾严重病患。 依据需要进行管制 他认为我国政府是依据需要进行管制。当前较严厉管制措施影响日常生活和经济,但更多是关乎管理风险和减少感染率、协助病患康复。 “至今我们都做得相当不错,但随着有海外国人返国,如今迎来第二波疫情。但我们必须让他们回来,都是我们的国人,即时他们病了也要照顾。” 他指由于其他地区陷入混乱状态,预计未来数周或几个月内还有更多国人回来,也意味着也有病例增加的可能。他认为这就是为何政府宣布了新的举措。 不过,他又直言,其他国家喜剧性地被迫转向封镜措施,是因为已失去控制,“他们没能管控一开始的传播,已传播到社区且病例数指数型增长,随之医疗系统不胜负荷,也致使死亡率攀升。” “这正是在中国、伊朗、意大利发生的事,接下来是….?这些都会发生除非采取紧急的封锁措施(有些还三心两意?)才能减缓病毒传播。我担忧他们已错失窗口。”…


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