The AWARE Awards is Singapore’s very first award to recognize outstanding achievements in gender equality.

Following a successful launch in 2011, the AWARE Awards will continue to honour individuals with the AWARE Heroine (for a woman), AWARE Hero (for a man), and AWARE Young Wonder (for a young person, of either gender, under 30 years old) categories.

We are also adding a new category, for teams and organisations that promote gender equality: The AWARE Incredibles.

Nominations for the AWARE Awards 2012 close on July 10, so hurry and nominate deserving candidates today. For more details about eligibility, visit here.

Fill out the nomination form here.
In 2011, the AWARE Awards helped to shine a spotlight on a very deserving group of women and men, generating more understanding of and support for their efforts to champion gender equality in Singapore. Find out more about the 2011 AWARE Award winners here.

From left: 2011 AWARE Award winners
Ms Wong Pei Chi, Mr Benny Bong, and Mdm Halimah Yacob.

And don’t forget about the tongue-in-cheek Alamak! Award, which is bestowed on individuals, ads, policies or organisations that are sexist and anti-gender equality. To submit your nominations for this award, click here.

We will once again be unveiling the winners of the AWARE Awards and Alamak! Award at our fundraising gala, the Supersonic Big Ball, on Sept 10. Find out more about this event here.

For media queries, please contact us or call 6779-7137.


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