~ By Cheong Yaoming ~

Multinational heavyweights Google and Barclays have also joined the expanding list of corporate contributors.

“We are excited by the growing number of companies that are ‘coming out’ and supporting  a social movement like Pink Dot,” said Paerin Choa,  Pink Dot SG spokesperson. “We are thankful that our corporate contributors this year recognise the value of inclusiveness and diversity, regardless of sexual orientation, and hope that more companies will contribute positively towards cultivating an inclusive work environment for their LGBT employees.”

For the 4th year running the annual Pink Dot event, which celebrates the freedom to love, will be held at Speakers’ Corner, Hong Lim Park on 30 June 2012. Last year, over 10,000 Singaporeans gathered at Speakers’ Corner to form a giant Pink Dot, making it the largest ever event held there.

Google is back this year as Pink Dot’s Pioneer Contributor, after pledging its support for the first time last year.

"Google aspires to be an organisation that reflects the globally diverse audience that our search engine and tools serve. And we believe that in addition to hiring the best talent, the diversity of perspectives, ideas, and cultures leads to the creation of better products and services,” said Keerthana Mohan, APAC Diversity and Inclusion Manager. “Google supports its LGBT employees in many ways which include fostering a strong internal employee network, growing relationships with external organisations, and going the extra mile with workplace policies and benefits to ensure that our employees are treated fairly. We were delighted to see the success of Pink Dot in 2011 and want to contribute to its success this year again".

Supporting for the first time this year is global bank, Barclays, the first international bank to come out in support of Pink Dot.

At Barclays, we recognise the value of diversity and inclusion to our business and our employees. Diverse teams make better decisions and they better reflect our clients and the communities we are part of. We pride ourselves on facilitating a workplace where staff are respected for their talents and contributions, in an environment that offers everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, the same opportunities to be successful.” said Richard Seeley, Regional Head of Spectrum in Asia, Barclays global LGBT employee network.

This year the Pink Dot event is having its first ever night event. Organisers aim to create a dramatic spectacle of a human pink dot taking shape amidst shimmering torches, light sticks and glowing mobile phones in the first hours of darkness.

Event details:


WHERE:  Hong Lim Park

WHEN:  Saturday, June 30, 2012

WHAT TO BRING:  Pink lights!

WHAT TO WEAR:  Of course, PINK!

TIMINGS:  Activities commence 5.30pm, Concert begins at 6.30pm, Dot is formed at 7.30pm, or when it is sufficiently dark

*Please note: According to the terms and conditions of Speakers’ Corner, only Singaporeans and Permanent Residents may participate in the formation of the dot. However, as Hong Lim Park is a public space, foreigners are most welcome to come enjoy the concert and soak in the carnival-like atmosphere.

For more information:

Visit our website: http://www.pinkdot.sg

‘Like’ our Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/pinkdotsg

Follow us on Twitter:  http://twitter.com/PinkDotSG

View our campaign video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvsZSR_hxJA

About Pink Dot Sg

Pink Dot Sg is a non-profit movement started by a group of individuals who care deeply about the place that LGBT Singaporeans call home. Why Pink? Because it is a blend of red and white – the colour of Singapore’s flag. It is also the colour of our national identification cards. More importantly, Pink Dot Sg stands for a Singapore in which all Singaporeans, regardless of their sexual orientation, are free to love and be loved.

2,500 people supported this cause in 2009. In 2010, this nearly doubled to 4,000, and in 2011, over 10,000 Singaporeans and permanent residents turned up, consistently making Pink Dot the largest gathering to take place at Hong Lim Park since the inception of the Speakers’ Corner in 2000.


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