The following are video clips of this year’s Pre-University Seminar (PUS) which was held on 28 May – 1 June, attended by more than 500 students. The VIP and key speaker for this event was Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Teo Chee Hean.

There has been abuzz a controversy sparked by an attendee's blog post which has since gone viral.

How these video clips have been edited to highlight which salient points of the seminar, we leave to you discerning readers to formulate your own thoughts.

TOC Note: The initial Part 4 video clip which we obtained from youtube had the ending edited out. It shows Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Teo Chee Hean's response to the student's query of media freedom.

Thus, as TOC strives on its tenet of being a responsible media, we have now inserted the original video clip from RazorTV.

  • Youths don't feel sense of belonging (Pre-U Seminar 2012 with DPM Teo Pt 1) 29 May, 2012

  • 60% of youths optimistic about future in Singapore (Pre-U Seminar 2012 with DPM Teo Pt 2) 29 May, 2012


  • Gen-Y desire stronger moral values (Pre-U Seminar 2012 with DPM Teo Pt 3) 29 May, 2012


  • Students express worries & concerns (Pre-U Seminar 2012 with DPM Teo Pt 4) 29 May, 2012

Video clip credits: courtesy RazorTV Straits Times


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