Press Release

Public Forum on Minimum Wage – for the low wage workers on 9 June (Sat) at 2.30pm

Transitioning will be organising a public forum on minimum wage – for the low wage workers on 9 June (Sat) at 2.30pm to 4.30pm at National Volunteer and Philanthrophy Centre.

The address is 04-88 The Central, Clarke Quay (nearest MRT station is Clarke Quay).



Our panel of distinguished speakers include:-

1. Mr Vincent Wijeysingha – Treasurer for SDP

2. Mr Leong Sze Hian – ex-President Society of Financial Service Professionals

3. Mr Wei Chan – F & B businessman

4. Mr Kumaran Pillai – Businessman

5. Mr Jolovan Wham – Executive Director of Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME)

This is a RSVP event by registration only and interested participants need to email me at [email protected] for a place. There are only forty places available.

After Professor Lim Chong Yah’s recent wage shock therapy’s call two months ago, the mass media and public have been debating whether it is feasible to introduce wage supplement so steeply to for low wage workers without considering the impact it has on our businesses.

As many as 200, 000 local workers earn a salary of $1000 and below and many of them are struggling to make ends meet especially when inflation hovers at a high of 5.2% last month.

Fortunately, NWC has recently approved the wage addition of $50 to our low age workers but we ask if this amount is enough to offset the damages high inflation have created on the economy.

Our public forum hopes to tackle the issue of low wages using the debatable minimum wage tool and whether its feasible for our local businesses considering that cost is already quite high now.

Expect sparks to fly as our panelist speakers speak for 15 minutes each and the audience can ask questions later on.



9 June (Sat) at 2.30pm to 4.30pm at National Volunteer and Philanthrophy Centre, 04-88 The Central, Clarke Quay


Gilbert Goh


Transitioning – unemployment support services

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