In response to the speech by Dr Vincent Wijeysingha where he claimed that a major corporation had bullied Jolovan Wham from the Humanitarian Organization for Migrant Economics (HOME) into silence, Bridget Tan the founder and president HOME has issued this statement:

"That is not quite correct – I have told Jolovan Wham not to speak at the event because he is the Executive Director (ED) and HOME is not a political party or association. He has become a public figure because of his work with HOME, hence even if he speaks in his personal capacity, what he says may affect the public's perception of HOME.
Indeed there was a feedback of concern from a corporate sponsor, however my advice to Jolovan is independent of external parties. I am responsible to our board and have acted in the interest of our beneficiaries such as migrant men and women workers availing of our shelter services and educational programmes."
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美国医护人员接种辉瑞疫苗 出现严重过敏反应

据《纽约时报》报导,美国阿拉斯加州有医疗前线人员,接种辉瑞(Pfizer)与BioNTech的冠病疫苗,10分钟后即出现严重过敏,脸部和身上出现皮疹、心跳加速和呼吸急促等症状。 《纽时》报导这名来自巴莱特(Bartlett)地区医院的医护人员,是在本周二(15日)接种,但10分钟后即出现过敏迹象。该医院急诊部主任Lindy Jones,则指出上述医护人员此前还接受了标准国民治疗,但症状反复,被送入加护病房观察。 原本打算让该医护人员在16日傍晚出院,不过仍决定让她继续留医。 还有第二名医护人员在周三注射疫苗,不过10分钟后也出现眼部浮肿、头晕和嗓子发痒症状。随即他被送入急救室注射肾上腺素和接受药物治疗,不过,院方解释这名人员并不是过敏,且一小时后可出院。 美国监管机构在发布紧急批准时,曾同时提醒民众,若对疫苗内成分有已知过敏反应者,应避免接种。 至于疫苗生产商辉瑞表示,尚未接到来自阿拉斯加严重过敏病例报告的细节,不过会积极与当地卫生机构合作以进行评估。 《纽约时报》指出,虽然辉瑞疫苗临床试验有4.4万人参与,有效率达到了95%,但阿拉斯加州出现的情况会加剧对疫苗副作用的担忧。 新加坡采购辉瑞疫苗 新加坡总理李显龙在本月14日傍晚,曾揭露政府拨款超过10亿元,以采购冠病19疫苗。所有公民和长期居住在本地的居民,都能免费接种冠病疫苗。 卫生科学局则批准辉瑞研发的冠病疫苗,预计月底就会抵达我国,相信将使我国成为全球率先获得疫苗的国家之一。 新加坡卫生部设立的冠病疫苗专家团早前称,辉瑞疫苗成效高达95%,其安全性与其他注册疫苗基本一致。…

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