~ By Leong Sze Hian ~

Amy (not her real name) came to our free financial counselling session with her 39 year old brother David (not his real name), David's wife and their one year old son. Despite numerous appeals to HDB they are still homeless.

From homeless shelter to homeless

David's family of three have been homeless for about a month. They were evicted from a homeless shelter as they had been staying there for more than a year, at a rental of about $100 a month. They have been on the waiting list for a HDB rental flat for about one and a half years.

Financial assistance

In addition to the homeless shelter assistance , they also received $80 in supermarket vouchers every month for six months, and $30 in vouchers for the following three months. David works as a driver-cum-deliveryman on the permanent night shift from 11 p.m. to 11 a.m., six to seven days a week, with a gross monthly pay now of about $1,500.

 Living in an office

His wife and one year old son sleeps in his employer's office, from around 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. everyday, with the permission of his employer. They accompany him on his delivery work from around 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. everyday,  as the office premises is not available when work starts to pick up at the office from around 6 a.m.

Resting in public places

They spend their time from around 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. wandering around to pass the time everyday. For David to get some rest, any public place, like void decks, would have to do. What struck me the hardest during the session with Amy and David's family, was when David's wife asked “For how long more do we have to live like this?"

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对于选区选区范围检讨委员会报告在上周(13日)公布报告,本社采访不同在野党领袖的看法。其中人民之声党领袖林鼎律师揶揄,看起来选区划分的调整相对轻微,不明白为何上述委会要八个月来完成? 尽管委会检讨工作没有设下时限,不过回溯2006年和2011年,选区范围检讨委会用了四个月时间提交报告。委会的成立旨在检讨选区划分,也是迈入大选前的例行工作,一般而言,公布选区划分报告,坊间都会视作即将选举的信息。 他认为,当前我国可能面对独立以来最严峻的疫情考验,报告可以在去年底就完成、发布,却选择在这个节骨眼才公开。 林鼎指出,但委会用那么长时间才交出报告是前所未有的,“或许他们不想让反对党有机会走基层宣传政见?这是令人遗憾的。” 身为律师的林鼎也说明,假设有法官判词太短、或理据不足,还会被上诉庭说“有违自然公正(nature justice)”,但选区划分报告却对于其中的更动也未有给予解释。 “反观在英国,会解释选民为何选区边界更动,甚至选民觉得这些变动不公,还可以告到高庭要求检讨。” 有鉴于此前政府已更新防疫措施,例如超过250人出席的活动受促延后或取消。林鼎质疑若当前若召开选举,可能是行动党“刻意的策略”,也会影响到选举期间的集会,最终民主成了最大输家。 至于总理早前释放信息,称如果选举提早举行,意味着将要在“风口浪尖”下,选出获得全新委任和新任期的政府,可以与国人合力面对当前艰巨挑战。 对于这种“需要获得全新委托”的论述,林鼎则斥责,现届政府任期可以到明年1月,之后他们还有三个月的时间召开选举。那么当前的疫情又如何“影响到”他们获得执政的托管权呢? 我国来届选举最迟须在明年4月前召开。