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Desmond Choo & Png Eng Huat Factsheet



~ By Howard Lee ~

Desmond Choo Pey Ching 朱倍

Png Eng Huat 方荣发

Age: 34

Age: 50

Party affiliation: People’s Action Party

Party affiliation: Workers’ Party

Highest education qualification: Bachelor of Economics (University of Chicago) 

Highest education qualification: Bachelor of Science in Radio, TV & Film (University of Texas)

Family: Married, no children

Family: Married, a daughter and a son

Appointments held in People’s Action Party:

  • Chairman, Hougang Branch

Appointments held in Workers’ Party:

  • Chairman, Hougang Constituency Committee
  • Member, Central Executive Committee
  • Deputy Webmaster
  • Member, Media Team

Employment: Currently the Deputy Director with the Industrial Relations Unit at NTUC, dealing with issues related to National Wages Council, community engagement and labour market monitoring. He is also concurrently the Executive Secretary with the Union of Security Employees and Singapore Shell Employees Union. Served in the Police force for 13 years.

Employment: Currently semi-retired, managing his own and partnership businesses. Started his internship at KLRU-TV, a Public Service broadcasting company in Austin, Texas, doing production work on live and taped shows. Worked in various organisations such as Philips Singapore and NTUC Income.

Working in Hougang SMC: Joined PAP’s Hougang Constituency Committee in 2007, appointed the Second Adviser to Hougang Grassroots Organisations in Feb 2011. Collaborated with voluntary welfare organisations to implement food distribution programmes for needy Hougang residents. Initiated a healthcare scheme to benefit poor residents, and Coffee Sessions for residents to be directly involved in building their community.

Working in Hougang SMC: Joined WP’s Hougang Constituency Committee in 2007. Until GE2011, has been in charge of welfare programmes for Hougang. Worked with several voluntary welfare organisations to provide needy and elderly resident with food every day, as well as extra food rations and necessities every month.

Most impressionable quote to date: "I've stated my personal opinion on why (Hougang) should remain as an SMC. I've stated the reasons on what the residents have conveyed to me. It's out there and, so far, my bosses have not disagreed with that… How (the Elections Department) commission and how they decide (on electoral boundaries) is due to population concerns.”

Most impressionable quote to date: "You may see it as a local issue. The elderly need some walkway and covered shelters but they know the bigger picture very well. They know that they need a voice so that's something we must protect and defend."

Election experience: Candidate for Hougang SMC in 2011 (35.2% votes won)

Election experience: Candidate for East Coast GRC in 2011 (45.2% votes won)

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This article is published by The Online Citizen, 20 Maxwell Road, #09-17 Maxwell House, Singapore 069113.

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