Amnesty International is emphasizing that time may be running out for the young Malaysian, Yong Vui Kong, who, despite sustained global campaigning, remains on Singapore's death row.  We now await the outcome of his appeal for presidential clemency. This is a very tense time for all of us.  Yong Vui Kong's case has received extensive international media coverage and  has been acted upon by numerous organizations and individuals  all around the world. On the whole issue of the death penalty globally, there is encouraging news: more and more governments are in line with the UN's several calls for a moratorium on executions as a step towards total abolition.  Yet Singapore chooses to isolate itself from this progressive international trend and in fact executed four people during 2011, after a year in which there were no executions.     
I am now sending you an urgent twitter appeal directed at the Minister of Law, K Shanmugam, who is also Minister of Foreign Affairs, who commented  9 May 2010: "“Yong Vui Kong is young. But if we say ‘We let you go’, what is the signal we are sending?”  It is now time for us to send the Minister a strong message showing our concern.   We ask that everyone joins us in the big push at this vital time. 
As you know, Yong Vui Kong was sentenced to death for possession of 47g of heroin in 2007. He lost his final appeal on 4 April 2012. Unless he is granted clemency by the President of Singapore, following advice from the Cabinet, he is likely to be executed in the coming weeks. It is imperative that we act quickly to try and save Yong’s life.


We need to send Mr. Shanmugam a signal that shows the depth and breadth of concern throughout the world.

1. During the 24-hour period starting  at 12 am GMT,  9 May,    please send  the following message to his Twitter account at the  Singaporean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (@MFAsg): ‘Mr K Shanmugam, give Yong Vui Kong a second chance to live!' .


2.  Please send the same message by email or postal mail immediately to:   

President of Singapore 

Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam

Office of the President

Orchard Road

Singapore 238823

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