The  letter below from Mr Phillip Ang was sent to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew, and the Land Transport Authority. We thank Mr Ang for allowing us to publish it in full.

Dear PM Lee,

I refer to the high incidence of public transportation breakdowns, the latest occurring on three consecutive days last week.

No system is perfect but the number of breakdowns are clearly not acceptable, especially in Singapore, as cars are priced out of reach and public transportation is not a choice for the masses.

The MRT system has been in service since 1987 when our population was only 2.7 million.  In all likelihood, our public transportation had not taken into account a population growth rate of about 100,000 annually.  That 'some disruptions and defects on the MRT are unavoidable' must already be obvious to commuters.   

The addition of 1520 train trips since 2011 and more than 2900 since 2008 is also likely to have overloaded the system.  These additions are still insufficient due to an existing high population growth rate.  Further additions are likely to strain the system and cause catastrophic breakdowns, especially inside a tunnel, in future.  

During the COI on 16 Apr, the LTA threw the spotlight on SMRT's maintenance.  The SMRT countered it had inherited ageing infrastructures from the LTA.  Commuters are least interested in all this finger pointing.  We only want a system which is affordable and gets us from point A to point B safely.  And of course on time.

The resignation of Ms Saw Paik Hwa, ex $1.85 million CEO of SMRT, has clearly not made any difference because it is a systemic problem. 

Is the organisational chart of the LTA so complex that makes it impossible to pinpoint who was in charge?  Was maintenance so slack due to a high number of foreigners holding technical positions in the SMRT?  The solution does not lie only in hardware replacements.  

The government must not sidestep the issue of accountability. Thank you.


Phillip Ang

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小党结盟或硬撼前进党 吴明盛暗指将出现三角战

人民力量党秘书长吴明盛(Goh Meng Seng)暗示,小党结盟或硬撼前进党,也指政治并非关乎政党规模或候选人,而是将“正确”的人选送入国会中。 吴明盛于周四(18日)在脸书上发文表示,尽管他了解如今需要避免反对党应避免内讧,但在战略方向上,两党仍存在一定的差距。因此,他认为,无论是政党的规模或候选人都不是最重要的,能够将反对党送入国会才是必要的。 “我们的目的是必须确保能够进入国会,无论是他们是来自哪个政党,他们都必须具备智慧、才能或专业参与国会中的公众辩论!” 陈清木医生曾为人民行动党一员,曾于1980年至2006年间担任亞逸拉惹(Ayer Rajah)的选区议员。 目前前进党由前国会议员陈清木医生带领,陈清木医生曾于2011年总统大选差点打败前总统陈庆炎博士。 吴明盛:肯尼斯能为国会注入新力量 谈及为何会选择支持革新党秘书长肯尼斯惹耶勒南(Kenneth Jeyaratnam),他解释,肯尼斯能够为失功能的国会注入新的力量,重振并强化国会成为更具民主主义的机构。 “我选择与肯尼斯站在同一阵线,并非是因为其父亲是已故惹耶勒南,而是我阅读了他多年来的写作,显然他非常清楚他想要走向的方向,尽管我未必完全同意他的观点,但我知道他将为长期失能的国会,提供不一样力量,重振并强化国会的功能,成为更具民主主义的机构。”…

【选举】延续理性、负责任反对党 工人党毕丹星号召捐款备战选举

随着选举局在今日(18日)发布有关疫情下竞选活动准则。这也加深坊间认为选举已近的印象。 工人党秘书长毕丹星也在脸书发文,号召支持者和选民踊跃捐款支持备战选举,不论善款多少,协助延续理性和负责任的反对党,确保本地政治公正和平衡。 前党魁刘程强自2001年领军工人党以来,确保反对党得以求存发展,并在关乎国家利益的事务扮演制衡监督的角色。而该党也同意无论如何,需成为日理性和负责任的反对党政治。 他指出,国会议员在国会宣誓,就包括鞠躬尽瘁履行职责,对新加坡怀有真正的信念和忠诚,并维护和捍卫国家宪法。 毕丹星也指出,政治无处不在,但即便是在新加坡也无阻普通百姓,踊跃以工人党旗帜参选,“这正是追求平等正义的人性使然,并延伸至政治。”他认为,这也或许解释为何他和工人党同仁,都毅然投身政治。 工人党捐款网页: