~ By Ravi Philemon ~

I joined TOC in September 2008 and now, I have been associated with TOC for about three and a half years. Over these years I have played various roles of leadership in TOC, the last being that of the interim chief editor. It's now time for me to step down from all leadership in TOC.

When TOC started in December 2006, it just wanted to speak about all the issues which concerned us all. There were no plans to turn TOC into a leading socio-political blog. All credits should go to our volunteers – for their courage and commitment – for the TOC we have today. Meeting and working with so many different people during this time is perhaps the most amazing experience for me.

It certainly was not easy leading a group blog like TOC, but I must say that I had an exciting journey being the interim chief editor of TOC for the past 10 months. One of the core values that I insisted TOC should have is 'fun, fun, fun!'; and I must say that I had lots of fun these past three-and-a-half years with TOC.

TOC is a testament to the fact that Singaporeans are far from apathetic. Perhaps all they needed was a platform to express themselves in a manner that will not 'get them into trouble'. To an extent, TOC has provided this avenue.

I have no regrets being a part of TOC and I leave the leadership now, knowing that TOC is in good hands.

Kumaran Pillai is one of those whom I am proud and fortunate enough to have met through TOC. Going forward, Kumaran will provide leadership for TOC as its chief editor.  Of course Kumaran will not be alone in TOC's editorial. He will be helped by Howard Lee who has stepped-up to be TOC's deputy chief editor and Choo Zheng Xi (TOC's co-founder) who remains with the editorial team.

TOC has now taken onboard a full-time, executive editor, Gangasudhan. Ganga has been with TOC since 2009 as a volunteer and has selflessly chipped-in to help wherever he could since then.

Besides Kumaran, Howard, Zheng Xi and Ganga, Siew Kum Hong, Leong Sze Hian and Joshua Chiang will continue to be in the core team of TOC. Terry Xu has also stepped up to be part of the core-team. Terry will take on the responsibility of being TOC Facebook's chief admin.

So, TOC will be in good hands. 

Kumaran, I wish you and your team all the very best.

There are already quite a few new ideas that Kumaran will be implementing to rejuvenate the website. And I am sure TOC will soar to new heights under his charge.

I think to me the most important thing is, TOC must be the voice of those whose voices are the least heard, for this is what TOC is about in essence.

I thank all the volunteers with whom I have had the privilege of working with. Some of you have become my good friends. Even though I leave, the friendship remains.  

It has truly been an honour.

TOC had a private party today to introduce our new leadership to some friends, and the pictures from that event are HERE


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