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We wish SPP and Mrs Chiam all the best



the following is a media release by the 6 who recently resigned from Singapore People's Party:

We are glad to hear that the recent SPP OPC elections was held constitutionally. Such public clarification and accountability bodes well for the SPP's credibility.

Our differences in opinion over leadership style have never ever been with Mr Chiam. We hold Mr Chiam in high regard and have never ever questioned his role as Sec-Gen and leader of the Party. We have sought hard to hear from Mr Chiam directly on all matters. We all want to continue his legacy and spirit of standing for consultation, democracy and inclusion, in society, in Parliament, and in the Party.

In the spirit of building a consultative collective team leadership, we have brought many matters (including the proposed Foundation, the photobook, and the NSP's CNY walkabout invite) formally to the Chiams and the CEC for collective consultation, response and decision. Many other CEC members other than those of us who left can attest to this, and there are email trails and CEC meeting minutes that record this. We together tried hard to seek consulted, collective CEC decisions on these and other matters.

We stand together with the Chiams and the SPP in stating that Mr Tan Jee Say was never ever involved with any Party internal CEC matters, nor with our leaving. We also fully agree with the Chiams and SPP that the details that led to our leaving is an internal Party matter.

Our clear public statement that our leaving was due to differences in leadership style and Party direction within the CEC, was to be publicly accountable to our Party members, supporters and voters for our leaving. We also want to state publicly again that our leaving was not due to any dispute over who was to take over the Sec-Gen post from Mr Chiam.

We chose to leave, to prevent further internal conflict and damage to the SPP leadership, and to allow Mrs Chiam and her team to continue to lead the Party in her chosen style and direction.

We continue to wish Mrs Chiam and her new CEC all the very best, as they lead the SPP forward.

Benjamin Pwee

Wilfred Leung

David Tan

Mohamed Hamim bin Aliyas

Mrs Mohamad Hamim bin Aliyas

Ting Sze Jiang

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