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Former CNB chief was probed by CPIB in 2010



~by: Ravi Philemon~

A well-wisher of TOC wrote in to us on 25 January that he "had heard from reliable sources a long while ago (early 2011 or even in 2010) that top CID guys are under investigation by CPIB", and that it was around this time that Ng Boon Gay was shifted to CNB.

The New Paper confirms today that former Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) Director Ng Boon Gay was investigated by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) in 2010, in relation to allegations of improper conduct of share dealings based on insider information.

"CPIB investigations concluded there was insufficient evidence that Ng had committed offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act. Subsequent Police investigation also found no evidence of insider trading or that he had benefitted from any insider information", a spokesman for Ministry of Home Affairs reportedly told that newspaper. 

"The Singapore Police Force (SPF) assessed that even though Ng did not break any laws, he should have been more circumspect in his dealings with acquaintances so as to avoid any perception of partiality", the MHA spokesperson added. 

Mr Ng was then counselled and issued with a Letter of Warning on 20 December 2010, but SPF assessed that he could continue with the Force. He was posted to head CNB in January 2011. 

The spokesperson for MHA told the newspaper that his Letter of Warning was taken into consideration when posting him to head CNB, but that Mr Ng had performed well throughout his career in senior positions within the SPF, and that it 'was assessed that while this (warning letter) was a spot on his record, no criminal wrongdoings had been found, and his conduct did not render him unsuitable for the post". 



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