~by: Ravi Philemon~

According to Chinese newspaper Lianhe Wanbao, the Commissioner of the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), Mr Peter Lim, is under suspension for nearly a month. Six other SCDF officials, including two of senior rank have also been suspended and are under investigation for a case linked to ‘money and women’ the paper reported.
The front-page report on the newspaper further stated that Central Narcotics Bureau director Ng Boon Gay was also being questioned by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau.

the following is the media release by the Ministry of Home Affairs on this case dated 24 January 2012:

SCDF and CNB Officers assisting in CPIB investigation
Former Commissioner Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) Mr Peter Lim Sin Pang and former Director of the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) Mr Ng Boon Gay are currently assisting the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) in its investigations into allegations of serious personal misconduct.
Investigations began in end December 2011 in the case of Mr Ng Boon Gay and in early January 2012 in the case of Mr Peter Lim Sin Pang. Both officers were placed on leave from their duties when the investigations commenced. Their duties have been covered by their respective deputies. Taking into account the current status of the investigations, both will be interdicted from their duties with effect from 25 January 2012, pending disciplinary proceedings.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has also decided to appoint Mr Eric Yap Wee Teck and Mr Ng Ser Song to assume command of the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) respectively with effect from 1 February 2012. This is to ensure leadership continuity of both organisations.
MHA expects Home Team officers to uphold the highest standards of duty and integrity. MHA views allegations of misconduct seriously. The Ministry and the two Home Team departments and relevant officers will continue to give their fullest assistance and cooperation to the CPIB in its investigations.
As investigations are ongoing, MHA is unable to comment on the details of the case. The investigations will establish the facts, and the officers will be accorded due process and a fair hearing in accordance with the civil service disciplinary process and the law.

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