~by: Jewel Philemon~

Singapore People’s Party (SPP) members and volunteers, including Mr & Mrs Chiam, Mr Mohammad Hamim bin Aliyas, Mr Benjamin Pwee and Mr Jimmy Lee, will be meeting and distributing food to needy Toa Payoh residents today in an initiative called “MPS to the Doorsteps”.

In a media release to announce this initiative SPP says that this endeavour is the start of a long term outreach to needy residents.  This effort is spearheaded by the Community Service arm of SPP.

In the media release the Party indicated that its members and volunteers will be taking note of residents’ needs and would follow-up by linking them to their network of supporters and resources.  The Party also intends to help them through various relevant formal channels.

‘Able Singaporeans looking out for those who are less able’, will be the formula to build a successful society believes the Party.  They believe that bringing MPS to the doorsteps of the needy residents is an important step in their service to less-advantaged Singaporeans.


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