Kirsten Han /

In March this year, The Online Citizen published a story on the case of death row inmate Cheong Chun Yin, who was convicted with carrying in 2.8kg of heroin in to Singapore. All of Chun Yin’s appeals have been exhausted, and his only hope now is to be granted clemency by the government of Singapore.

Until today, Chun Yin insists that he had not known he was carrying heroin, and had been under the impression that he was smuggling gold bars for a friend, a relatively minor offence. However, the Misuse of Drugs Act functions on presumption clauses which reverses the burden of proof on to the accused.

Documentary filmmaker Jon Keng has produced a short film following Singaporean human rights lawyer M Ravi as he travels to Malaysia to meet Chun Yin’s family, and to find ways to save Chun Yin’s life.

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