~by: Jewel Philemon~

Dr Lily Neo, MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, has lunched the community project ‘Stop Pest’ which aims to improve the living conditions of the low income families living in one-room rental flats at Kreta-Ayer Kim Seng constituency in Tanjong Pagar GRC.

Dr Neo’s campaign which subscribes to the mantra of ‘No one deserves to live with pestilence’, has resolved to solve the burgeoning bedbug infestation in the area, so that these mainly older and poorer residents can have an uninterrupted night’s sleep.

The website to this campaign (see HERE) says that “this campaign is the first time that government organizations, private sector SMEs and MNCs have come together to achieve a common goal: to eradicate burgeoning bedbug infestations in one room flats as well as to inculcate good habits and prevention methods that will help avoid a recurrence of bedbug infestations.”

In commenting on a her own Facebook post highlighting these efforts, Dr Neo had said, “Some residents still refuse to meet us. tiresome folks.”

TOC asked Dr Neo if she would comment on the context in which this remark was made, and if she felt burnt-out by the efforts which may sometimes be unappreciated.

In replying to TOC, Dr Lily Neo said:

It was a typo disaster. I meant it was “tiresome for us” to convince the folks. My administrator, in this instance, posted it as “tiresome folks”.

The context of this is, we’ve been at this DAILY since we started 10 days ago and my volunteer helpers and I have put in quite an effort on this. Indeed, there are quite a number of residents who could not or would not even meet us. I must credit my volunteer helpers for their tireless dedication.

This is my concern, we have to get 100% compliance in this project or our efforts may come to nought in a short time. I will not give up trying to get this job done.

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