~picture: Joshua Chiang~

from The Straits Times dated 3 February 1991:

Singapore will seriously consider abolishing the Internal Security Act if Malaysia were to do so, said Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Brigadier-General (Res) Lee made this response to seven Malaysian journalist s in his office recently when asked why the ISA was still needed in Singapore even though the Communist Party of Malaya no longer posed a threat.

He said that if Malaysia did not abolish the same Act, which provides for indefinite detention without trial, it must have its reasons.

In the interview published in the Nanyang Siang Pau, a Malaysian daily and Lianhe Zaobao yesterday, BG Lee said: “Communism may be dead, but it is not the only threat. We must still deal with other groups, like religious extremists – members of a Malay group were arrested under the Act for making preparations to commemorate the May 13th incident.”

The May 13 riots in Malaysia in 1969 started soon after Alliance won a narrow victory in the general elections. A series of bloody clashes broke out between the Chinese and Malay communities, leading to a state of emergency.

He added: “There were also the dissidents and church members involved in a conspiracy to subvert Singapore’s political and social order three years ago; another incident involved Francis Seow being exploited by the US. Had there been no ISA, these cases could never have been exposed. So, it is still better for us to retain the Act.”

In an earlier meeting with the journalists, Law and Home Affairs Minister S. Jayakumar stressed the need to deal with racial and religious extremism, even though there was no threat from communism.

On the detention order on former Barisan Socialis MP Chia Thye Poh, he said that although Mr Chia is restricted to Sentosa, he is allowed to visit mainland Singapore during the day, but must return to the island in the evening.

Asked by Nanyang Siang Pau about the possibility of a complete withdrawal of the detention order, Prof Jayakumar said he did not rule this out. But, he said, even though Mr Chia has been conducting himself well on the island, he is still not willing to disavow communism.

KL to scrap ISA – see HERE

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excerpted from Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss’ blog ‘In My Own Words‘: — I hear…

在有盖步道棚顶骑电动滑板车 骑士被警逮捕

政府在本月初已颁布禁令,禁止电动滑板车在人行道上行驶,以进一步保护行人安全。 不过日前有网民分享一段视频,显示一名电动滑板车用户突发奇想,既然人行道上不能骑,就索性把电动滑板车开上有盖走道的棚顶,似乎想藉此规避禁令限制。 据了解,有关骑士已在前日(19日),在鲁莽行为罪名下,被警方逮捕,惟案件仍在调查中。 若鲁莽危急他人性命被定罪,这位男子将面对什么刑罚?最高可被判坐牢长达六个月,或罚款高达2500元,或两者兼施。 此前,也有一些自作聪明的用户就想到,既然不能在人行道上行驶,就在路旁和人行道中间的草坪上行驶。 惟国家公园局(NParks)警告,根据《公园及树木法令》(Parks and Trees Act),在草坪上骑脚车也是违法的,一旦被定罪,将面对不超过5000元的罚款。

女佣遭非法调派 2017-19年平均550投诉

前女佣巴蒂被指偷窃,终于在上周沉冤得雪。不过人力部指在2017年至2019年之间,当局年均接获550起女佣遭雇主或其家属非法调派的投诉! 其中76巴仙投诉,是由第三方揭发,其余则是由女佣本身提出。 据人力部昨日(9月8日)所发文告,每年因投诉而遭到当局对付的雇主平均有155人,每年有16名雇主接到3300元至2万4000元不等的罚款。 平均每年有80人接获警告(Caution Notice),以及60人接获劝告信函(Advisory Notice)。 劝告信函主要是给予没有明确证明女佣遭非法调派的雇主,而针对偶尔或短时间违法并被发现的雇主,当局会发出警告信,强烈提醒雇主若再犯将会面对执法行动对付。 “人力部认真看待每项指控,并对其进行调查。在大多数情况下,当我们和外籍女佣作进一步了解时,会发现他们和照顾人士(通常是儿童或老人家)都被安置在亲戚家,以便继续照顾他们。 只要外籍女佣接受有关安排,并且不要求他们执行两个家庭的家务活,还照顾到他们的福祉,那么人力部就允许这样做。” 当局也促请雇主们,为了避免不必要的误解或纠纷,应该和女佣们共同商定工作范围。 曾接获巴蒂投诉 此外,人力部也证实曾于2017年10月接到巴蒂的投诉,指在2016年9月至10月,以及2012年和2013年期间,她曾被非法调派到廖文良儿子的朱家河办公室工作。…


公共交通理事会今天(9月3日)称,将展开新一轮常年车资检讨,公共交通业者,可在本月23日前,提交车资调整建议。 不过,该理事会限定今年车资最多只能调涨七巴仙。 公交理事会称,是根据2018年- 2022年适用车资计算方程式,算出今年车资调涨顶限。 理事会解释,影响新一轮车资调涨顶限的最大因素,是能源价格出现双位数增长。2017年,能源价格上涨26.2巴仙,去年则达到32.3巴仙。 上述方程式考量到其他宏观经济价格指数,也在过去一年攀涨,例如工资指数和核心通货膨胀指数,分别上升了3.5巴仙和1.7巴仙。 至于反映供需的公共交通网络容量因素,达到1.6巴仙。 今年7月,交通部长许文远今天在国会上指出,政府目前补贴超过30巴仙的公共交通运营,并表示有需要在四年内提升票价来维持津贴。 “2016年至2017年期间,铁路网络的运营成本,增加了约2亿7000万元。”他也指出,铁路公司在亏本经营,在最近的一个财政年度,新加坡地铁公司(SMRT)亏损8600万元,新捷运(SBS Transit)的轻轨部门也面对着数千万元的亏损。 对于公共交通理事会检讨票价的机制,许文远称该理事会并没有完全落实车资调整幅度,例如2011年,车资方程式允许业者调高车资2.8巴仙,但理事会只批准1巴仙。