The following is an excerpt from an article first published in Asiaweek in 1999

In choosing Ong as its first candidate back in 1993, the government appeared to have forgotten his independent streak and his activist past. As one of them, they thought there was no need to worry. That was a mistake. As president, Ong promptly set about actively doing the job as it was laid down in the Constitution. Almost immediately there were problems over how much power he should have and how much information he should get. In rapid succession, there were four constitutional amendments to try to plug these holes. Mostly, they entailed grabbing back some of the powers that had been vested in the elected president, like his right to veto both defense spending and laws that curtailed his own authority.

Only regarding the reserves did he continue to hold sole discretionary power; he could decide whether to approve or reject requests to draw on the funds. In order to make such decisions, Ong wanted to know how much the reserves were worth. He hit a roadblock. Those who had the information stalled over okaying its release. There was no urgency since none of the budgets presented to him for approval included a request to draw on the reserves. Still, three years into his presidency, Ong wrote to the government complaining that he had not got the figures. With a general election looming later that year, he felt it was procedurally important that he should know the dollar-and-cents details. Finance Minister Richard Hu says Ong got a response on Aug. 14 – “less than two months later.” Ong says it was “a few months.” The rancor was undisguised and it continued unabated. The government said it would take “56 man-years” to provide the information Ong wanted. The president said tersely: “Never mind. Go ahead.” Later, he agreed to accept just a list of the government’s immovable assets rather than a dollar-and-cents valuation. When he finally got it, he says it was incomplete. He complained that he still learned of vital information from the newspapers, instead of being informed first. And he chafed under the minimal staff he was allotted.

Many of these problems may just have been – as the government has argued – teething pains associated with the civil service dealing with a new, untested institution. But they added up to the unusual image of top officials publicly squabbling, a sight not seen since the 1980s when Lee lambasted the former president and PAP stalwart, Devan Nair.

Read the full article here

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再度现感染群 黄循财称如有必要将采额外防疫措施

我国疫情在严格管制下,单日病例数已大大下降,而此前感染群也逐步被移除,甚至在上月宣布进入第三阶段解封措施。 然而,近日疫情似乎有死灰复燃迹象,再现感染群,政府将会探讨增加额外防疫措施,遏制疫情扩散。 共同领导跨部门工作小组的教育部长黄循财周一(18日)在脸书上发文,表示在过去几天,本地陆续出现社区病例,以及同警犬单位兽医助理有关的感染群。 不仅如此,还有患者在出现呼吸道感染症状后,没有及时就医。 对此,黄循财表示,当局正努力追踪患者的密切接触者,并隔离潜在病患,避免疫情扩散。 与此同时,当局也正在密切观察当前疫情,如有必要,将会采取额外防疫措施,确保疫情受控。 黄循财也提醒公众,应全面配合安全管理措施,例如穿戴口罩、生病时及时求医、尽好社会责任。 “病毒依然在静悄悄地在我们社区传染,因此我们不能放松警惕。”

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上周的骨痛热症病例,从前一周的194宗剧增到294宗,上升超过50巴仙。这是病患人数持续上升的第七周。 根据环境局数据,年初至第19周(本月5日至11日),累计的骨痛热症病例已达到3233人,已逼近去年全年3285宗病例。 至于从本周日(12日)至14日下午3时为止,则共计114宗病例。 目前的病例集中区也从上周的35个,增加到44个。 两个最大的病例集中区落在兀兰6道一代。其中一个集中区内,就有95人受感染,其中39人已在两周前患病。另一个集中区则发现由66人受到感染,其中43人在过去两周已经被诊断出来。 骨痛热症在今年已夺走三条人命,他们都是70余岁的患者。 国家环境局一直致力于消灭黑斑蚊和蚊子滋生处,当局也发出警告,表示随着天气越来越炎热,感染病例也会随着增加。炎热天气有助于蚊子的繁殖和生长周期。 骨痛热症的症状包括持续发烧2到7天、伴随眼睛疼痛的严重头痛、关节和肌肉疼痛、皮疹、犯恶心和呕吐。 大约五分之一的人被诊断出患有骨痛热症后,最终都需要住院观察。骨痛热症没有具体的治疗方法。那些有危险的骨痛热症出血或休克状况的病患,可能需要输血和补充电解质。    

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