The following is Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew’s Facebook note.

Thank you for your comments, feedback and suggestions. Many have expressed concern and wondered whether fares would increase by 2.8% as per the applications by SBST and SMRT under the fare adjustment formula. Let me reassure you that the Public Transport Council has been judicious in approving fare increases over the years as we can see from the data below.

I know that the PTC looks out for the interests of commuters in all fare reviews. The fare cap system itself ensures that SMRT and SBST cannot increase fares beyond the cap. And, if there is no inflation and no wage increase for the year, the formula allows the PTC to impose a fare reduction of 1.5% on the operators. Hence, they know they have to improve productivity and innovate. Such measures have helped to increase their revenue (and hence profits) through non-fare sources. I checked and found that close to 45% of SMRT’s operating profit and 50% of SBST’s operating profit in the two recent years came from non-fare sources which include rental and advertising.

While we ponder over the fare adjustment, let me share that it is the Quality of Service (QOS) delivered by the two operators that I am paying the most attention to. Improving capacity, addressing crowdedness on buses and trains, frequency and reliability of service – these are among the key aspects. I have experienced the discomfort and frustrations that commuters faced because of the congestion and the sometimes unreliable service and I share your desire to see improvements to our public transport.

The operators SMRT and SBST have added a total of 590 weekly trips from Mar 2011. There will be further improvements later this year when more trains are added. Since LTA began the regular quarterly bus improvement process with the operators in June last year, 64 bus services were improved. Frankly, much more needs to be done. While we are already running trains at the limit our signalling equipment currently allow during peak hours, we are examining how much further to shorten the intervals between trains during off-peak period. The LRT system at Bukit Panjang needs to be significantly improved and I will find an occasion to share more with you soon. Our current QOS standards for buses is not sufficiently stringent. MOT and LTA are in the midst of a study on how to tighten this. We will pay particular attention to feeder services. To bring about these improvements, we will need to increase the number of buses and the government will work with the operators to make sure this is done.

Let me end here for the time being. I will share with you on another occasion some transport systems which are doing well and others which are not doing so well and why. Good night.

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设法庭有权要求警方查案 《反骚扰修正法》三读通过

国会三读通过《防止骚扰修正法案》,并表示在新法律下,即使受害者只申请保护令而没有寻求警方帮助,法官有责将严重伤害或骚扰案件提交给警方处理。 这是骚扰罪案法庭的责任之一,该法庭是于周二的《防止骚扰法令》修正法案辩论后,决定成立的。有关法庭将设立在国家法院,专门处理所有网络和非网络的骚扰相关案件,并且有专门处理骚扰案件的法官组成。 该法庭拟议在48至72小时之内,为加速保护令进行审讯;在24小时内审理涉及暴力的骚扰罪案。 律政部高级政务部长唐振辉在国会表示,向受害者提供民事救济,如发出保护令并不足够的,尤其是极度严重的骚扰或伤害案件。因此,通过修正法,法官有责考量在发出临时保护令时,是否需要进行刑事调查。“这将确保国家可以介入,以减低受害者面对更严重伤害的风险。” 如果对亲密伴侣、或精神或身体残疾人士进行骚扰,违法者将可能面对两倍的处罚。 在修正案第18条款中,法官被规定在处理紧急保护令申请时,必须判断案件是否构成刑事罪,必要时让警方介入调查。此外,违反保护令的人今后可面对法律制裁。 简化保护令申请程序 《防骚扰修正法》的其他重要修正,包括为了确保受害者获得更快捷和更有效的帮助,将简化保护令申请或加速保护令的程序。 唐振辉表示,当局将和国家法院合作,简化在防止骚扰法案下的保护令申请程序,并且尽量做到和妇女宪章下的程序相同。“受害者只要在骚扰罪法庭,或上网下载简单的表格,提交后就能申请保护令。” 对于多次骚扰受害者的罪犯,将面临更严厉的刑法,并且可能因为违反保护令而当场被捕。 恶意散播个人隐私列刑事罪 修正法也对恶意公开个人隐私或资料的相关案件中,推出了新法律。恶意公开他人隐私,企图导致受害者面对骚扰、恐慌或忧虑情况的行为,将构成刑事罪,并可能面对罚款或监禁。…

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