by: Ravi Philemon/

A group of Malaysians who live and/or work in Singapore, identifying themselves as Bersih 2.0 Singapore, are planning a gathering in Hong Lim Park today at 2pm.  Describing themselves as apolitical and non-partisan, they are calling for free and fair election in Malaysia.

They have said on their Facebook page that “we are guests in Singapore and have no wish to do anything that is not within the confines of Singapore law.”

There will most likely be no speeches or demonstrations in Hong Lim Park today.The sympathisers to the cause are being invited to turn up in yellow tops in a show of solidarity to lend support to their “fellow friends in KL (Kuala Lumpur)”.

This activity which will mirror the rally planned in KL, is one of the many rallies planned in major locations worldwide.

Margaret John Amnesty International Canada’s Coordinator for Singapore/Malaysia says, “the news from Malaysia shows a fast-deteriorating situation” which calls for urgent action.

Read Amnesty International’s call for urgent action HERE.

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