The following is an excerpt from Yawning Bread.

The Straits Times did the right thing to put the story on the front page, for it is a very serious case.

Ismil Kadar was acquitted of murder by the Court of Appeal after spending six years in jail facing the death penalty. The judges slammed the police investigators and the prosecution for more than sloppiness in building the case against him, questioning their motives as well.

Ismil and his brother Muhamad Kadar had been found guilty of murder by common intention in the 2005 killing of an elderly woman, Tham Weng Kuen, 69, while robbing her home. Her bedridden husband was in the flat as it happened, fully aware of what was happening but unable to help his wife.

Describing the case as ‘extraordinary’, Justice V. K. Rajah said the 42-year-old’s confessions were obtained ‘in troubling circumstances’ which appeared to be deliberate breaches in procedures rather than mere carelessness.

He added that investigators had been ‘less than thorough’ and said there was a ‘startling lack of any objective evidence’ that tied Mr Ismil to the crime.

– Straits Times, 6 July 2011, Man accused of murder freed after 6 years in jail, by Selina Lum

The judges also noted that there was a witness statement from the bedridden husband that there was only one intruder — and he had a sightline to the front door from his bed — which was suppressed by the prosecution until the very last minute and then dismissed  by the trial court when it would have exonerated at least one, if not both the brothers.

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竞选活动出现小学生 王乙康遭投报违反选举条规

据悉周日(7月5日)有人向警方报案,指控人民行动党三巴旺集选区候选人王乙康,让小学生涉及竞选活动,此举违反选举法令。 根据选举法(第218章)第83条文,不得参与选举活动的人士,包括中小学生、非公民、破产、或有犯罪记录者,都不得参与选举活动。 报案者指出,初始并没想过报警,但是看到似乎有人想将竞选活动变成恐惧行为,才采取行动。报案者声称警方已展开调查行动。 “我接获来自东陵分局的电话,指我提供的投报内容非常详细,她将会对此展开调查,意味着警方已经针对我的投报,对王乙康展开调查。” 据悉,报案人昨日到警局招供,但是到目前为止,还未有任何相关的警方文告。 早前有报导指出,王乙康曾在脸书分享和一名穿着校服的男孩交谈的短片,随后被告知此举违反了选举规则。他在7月2日在脸书发帖,表示已经删除有关短片,并对此事道歉。他表示,和该名居住在三巴旺的小男孩交流愉快,“这里是个成长的好地方”。 根据《国会选举法令》,中小学生被禁止参与任何竞选活动,即表示他们不被允许出现在竞选视频内,或参与任何竞选宣传活动。 不知这位原教育部长是否已知晓报案事件,他在今天(7月7日)下午在脸书帖文,分享闻榴莲的图片,并写道“在当我处理这棘手课题时,竞选活动暂停一下”。就不知所谓的“棘手课题”指的是他手上的榴莲,还是遭投报事件。

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