
Post Election, many organisations have tried to sustain the election awareness though forums and discussion platforms. Most of these efforts cannot sustain over time because people’s interest in politics in the past, were highlighted only during election periods. This series was developed to sustain people’s interest and discuss key issues felt by Singaporeans.

In the first series, Leong Sze Hian talked about HDB. Jee Say spoke about Foreign Workers. In the second series, we would be discussing:

1) Stress, Success and Quality of life – Dr. Ang Yong Guan

For years the over-dominance of the PAP has led to learned helplessness of the citizens; thus leading to dearth of creativity, kiasuism, obsession with narrow definition of success (usually measured in material terms), high suicide amongst the young, low fertility rate and poor quality of life. With the recent awakening following the GE 2011 and a change of ministers in 11 ministries who must now review all policies from scratch, the psychological impact of old and new policies must be explored. This psychological fine-tuning is highly lacking in the present PAP-controlled environment which emphasizes material success at the expense of mental well-being.

2) Can CPF provide for my retirement? – Leong Sze Hian

Venue: Peninsula Plaza level 13

Date: 9th July

Time: 2 to 5pm

Free. Register here. (Limited seats available)

This event is jointly organized by Leong Sze Hian and The Online Citizen

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【冠状病毒19】7月19日新增257确诊 八社区病例

根据卫生部文告,截至本月19日中午12时,本地新增257冠病19确诊,其中多达八例社区病例,有两名公民或永久居民确诊病患。 本地累计确诊病例已增至4万7710例,另有五例入境病例。 新增确诊大多是住宿舍客工。入境病例在抵新后已遵守居家通知。  

历史最悠久鹌鹑养殖场不获续约 网民替Uncle William惋惜

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$1.5m to help needy cope with inflation

NTUC Fairprice Foundation presents cheque for S$1.5 million to PM Lee.


在东海岸集选区仍有一座乌敏岛,而从新加坡搭船仅需15分钟便能抵达,然而,迄今为止,只有工人党代表陈励正走访这个偏僻外岛,令居民感动。 距离新加坡仅15分钟的乌敏岛,如今只有38张选票,而工人党陈励正却为了这38张选票,走进选区内拜访选民,他于昨日(7日)在脸书上晒出拜访乌敏岛的过程。 在照片中可见陈励正带着脚踏车搭船,并与食客攀谈,还骑着脚踏车“环岛”拜访选民,实现“没有人是局外人”的观点。 他也在帖文中写道,“乌敏岛隶属东海岸集选区的一部分,我非常享受此次的拜访,希望能与你们再次相会。” 目前该帖文已获得逾千赞与600多次的转发,网民除了被陈励正的行为感动,也有部分网民对于乌敏岛仍有居民而感到惊讶。 乌敏岛位于新加坡东北部,据《今日报》2015年的一篇报道,岛上居民虽然只剩38名,他们却没有和社会脱节,岛上也拥有小规模的地方经济和文化。