by: Ravi Philemon/

A friend recently asked, “Why? Why does Chiam deserve a tribute dinner from any of us who are not residents of Potong Pasir? What interests of non-Potong Pasir residents has he advanced all these years?” Another said that TOC should not be in the business of throwing “lavish dinners” for politicians.

I think like these friends, many of our readers too may be asking why TOC is holding this appreciation dinner for Mr Chiam See Tong.

A Russian proverb says, “You live as long as you are remembered”.

In the aftermath of General Election 2011, the news was all about how the election was a watershed one, about the People’s Action Party and the Workers’ Party.

The bravery of the man who chose to come out of his comfort zone of Potong Pasir, to give then Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng a fight of his life and losing by a mere 7 per cent was quickly being forgotten.

There was a chance that the legacy of the man who first entered politics in 1976 when he contested as an independent candidate in Cairnhill constituency, which he lost; the legacy of the man – Chiam See Tong -who went on to contest in Potong Pasir – losing twice, before winning with 60.3 per cent of the vote against Mah Bow Tan in 1984, may be forgotten.

This to me is significant, especially since Mr Chiam’s electoral victories took place in an era where defamation suits and ISA arrests to silence the opposition views, were common.

To be in opposition politics for 27 years against these odds, and to be speaking up not just for the residents of Potong Pasir, but also for all Singaporeans, is no easy feat.

So, TOC thought, “Yes, we should appreciate this man while he is still here with us”.

I remember first meeting Mr Chiam in one of his Meet-the-People Session in Potong Pasir in early 2009. Mr Chiam appeared quite frail from the stroke which he suffered in 2008. I introduced myself and was engaged in a conversation with him, when he saw a resident waiting to see him from a corner of his eye. He asked me if I would wait to continue the conversation, and called this constituent by name and started enquiring how everyone in her family were.

Mr Chiam did not have her case file (they were held by the helpers helping in his MPS), but he knew who his constituent was. How many MPs can do this? Even more when they are recovering after being stricken by stroke?

I was of course, very surprised.

I also remember another incident vividly. I was the VIP Liaison at TOC’s Face to Face event and was assisting Mr Chiam in the waiting room, before the event started. As we were leaving the waiting room to meet the press, Mr Chiam insisted that he did not want my (or anyone else’s) assistance. He said that the people must know that he is fit and ready to fight another round.

Such doggedness!

For me, I think I will always remember Mr Chiam See Tong as a man with dogged determination.

Dogged determination which made him fight on, only to win in the fourth attempt in Potong Pasir. Dogged determination which made him continue to keep Potong Pasir a beacon of hope of opposition politics in Singapore. Dogged determination, which made him come back after suffering from the stroke. And dogged determination, which makes him say that he will come back to fight another day in Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC.

Thank you Mr Chiam!

Have you bought the tickets for “Thank you, Mr Chiam!” An appreciation dinner organised by TOC?

There will also be an auction at TOC’s appreciation dinner, of limited edition portraits of Mr Chiam See Tong.


Starting bids are:
Black (1 set of two 24×24 inch canvas) – $600
Yellow (24×24 inch canvas) – $500
Red (18×18 inch canvas) – $300
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1959年6月5日,人民行动党以51席位中获得43席位的压倒性胜利,宣誓就职,成立自治邦政府。李显龙总理于昨日(6日),在脸书上发表贴文纪念历史性的一刻。 李显龙文中回忆当时人民行动党正经历一场“动荡的历程”。身为人民行动党的领导者,已故建国总理李光耀正与共产党与其支持者们 “生死大战”,同时经历与马来西亚的两年“硬仗”,冒着被缉捕或更糟糕的危险,只为了能让新加坡人民的多元社会能够保留。 “1959年6月5日的内阁成员成立是造就了1965年8月9日以及记下来54年的日子。我们对于建立这些贡献的人表示深切的感谢。如果当时建国一代的人民不是与人民行动党站在同一条线上,团结起来,东姑阿都拉曼(Tunku Abdul Rahman)也不会同意让新加坡离开马来西亚,成为具有独立主权的国家。”李显龙写道。 当时的内阁人员包括已故总理李光耀、已故副总理杜进才、前国家发展部长王永元、已故前财政部长吴庆瑞、已故前内政部长王邦文、已故前卫生部长阿末依布拉欣、已故前教育部长杨玉麟、已故前外交部长拉惹勒南(时任文化部长)、以及已故律政兼劳工部长贝恩。 李显龙在文中也上载了现任内阁成员的合照,合照内包括文化、社区及青年部长傅海燕、通讯及新闻部长易华仁、外交部兼国防部高级政务部长孟理齐、教育部长王育康等人。 最后,李显龙呼吁“我告诉我的同事,这场仗将继续。我们仍要为创造更好的新加坡继续努力,我们誓言将新加坡成为更团结,无论种族、语言、宗教都能更和平相处。 根据《8视界》报道,李光耀上任前,要求释放林清祥、方水双等八名因被指煽动暴动而在1956年入狱的政治拘留者。 南洋理工大学人文学院助理教授魏文擎说:“人民行动党在参加1959年大选前,曾承诺会争取释放这些政治拘留者。因此在赢得大选后,他们必须履行这项承诺,并在6月2日才获得新加坡总督首肯。” 历史学家也指出,我国从殖民统治时期到实现独立的权力过渡相当平稳、和平,使我国在1960年代推进经济发展及现代化时能够飞速增长。

【选举】李显扬发长文《品格与勇气》 质问是否仍要拥护行动党“天生贵族”机制?

前进党成员、建国总理李光耀次子李显扬,自宣布加入前进党后,经常公开呼吁人民支持在野党。尽管在此次大选中未参与任何的竞选,但在竞选期间亦频频现身前进党候选人的选区,以示对前进党的支持。 他亦于今早(5日)以中、英和马来文三语,发表长文声援前进党,除了赞许在野党候选人是为民发声的人,同时也比较在野党候选人与人民行动党候选人,指如今的国会已然成为官员谋取更高职位的垫脚石,非为人民发声之地,质问人民是否应该继续拥护人民行动党“天生贵族”的机制。 “这个大选年,新加坡涌现了许多可靠和能干的在野党选人。这群候选人不但有爱心,而且也很真实。他们拥有高尚的品格与资历。更重要的是,他们已全力以赴准备为新加坡国人,无畏地表达他们的需求。“ “与他们相反的,正正是苍白无色的PAP竞选人。对他们而言,国会只是谋取更高官职的垫脚石。纸上文凭和多年来的塑造粉饰,是否造就了更优秀或更强大的领袖?人民行动党(PAP)系统是否有助加强4G领袖的表现?我们是否还要继续拥护PAP的“天生贵族”机制?” 在野党的困境VS人民行动党的一帆风顺 李显扬也提及在野党候选人近年来所面对的困境,经常面对不公平对待与人格抹黑,甚至是亲友的打击,但他也表示,在野党候选人无所畏惧,因为他们关心的是国家的未来,因此相当佩服他们的勇气。 “相对于成为人民行动党(PAP)的候选人,成为反对党候选人需要品格和勇气,后者体现的是为国家牺牲的意愿。反对党候选人经常成为不公平对待、人格抹黑的受害者,而且也必须面对亲朋戚友的打击。然而,这些候选人选择站出来,为全民追求公正与平等。他们选择为人民发声,因为他们关心我们国家的未来。” 反观,他指出,人民行动党国会议员的政途一帆风顺,甚至可以进入内阁,或获得高薪职位。 “PAP国会议员的政途都一帆风顺,有者获得进入内阁、有者获得非常高薪的政治职位,而另一些则获颁董事职位及各种其它职位。” 李显扬:自己检查自己是行不通的 此外,他也阐述两者在国会上的立场,形容人民行动党,因党鞭(Party whip)的推动与对党的义务,加上各种回报,因此根据党的指示投票是意料中事,反观在野党会质疑一些不受欢迎的政策,并合理质询,避免出现滥权。他也提及各在野党候选人如前进党秘书长陈清木医生、工人党等。…