credit: Han Thon


This is to confirm that I have, on 13 May 2011, tendered my resignation from my position at Temasek Polytechnic, after more than twelve years of service.
The move is prompted by what I anticipate to be an increased workload after being elected as part of the Workers’ Party team for Aljunied GRC in General Elections 2011.
My role at the Polytechnic included teaching full-time and part-time students, as well as co-ordinating continuing education initiatives for adult learners undertaken by the Polytechnic’s School of Business. To fulfill these responsibilities well would require sufficient time, focus and dedication.
Already in the last 5 years as Non-Constituency Member of Parliament, working hours have been spent on Parliamentary activities such as sittings and the occasional overseas trip. While the Polytechnic management has supported these national platforms, I foresee that the years ahead as an elected Member will be even more demanding.
After due consideration, I have concluded that it would not be fair to the Polytechnic management, colleagues and students for me to continue in my post at Temasek Polytechnic as an elected MP. I will henceforth explore other career options.
This decision to leave Temasek Polytechnic was arrived at with decidedly mixed feelings, as I have enjoyed my work and colleagues there tremendously. I would like to record my sincere thanks to the Polytechnic management and colleagues for their kind understanding and friendship all these years.

This media release was posted here.

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