Yvonne Leng /

I had gone to a polyclinic in mid-February and requested to do a MRI scan for my chronic backache which gave me agonizing pain and was affecting my sleep and temperament. I was first given a slot in early April to see the orthopaedic doctor. I asked for the earliest slot possible and was told that was the earliest date. I had managed my expectations well, knowing it would take 2-3 months before I can see the doctor. So I waited.

Come March, I was notified that my appointment had been postponed to almost another 2 months later, from early April to end of May instead. I wasn’t given any explanation; just a SMS and a letter that they “regret” to inform me that my appointment had been rescheduled.

I decided to do the scan at a private hospital and got a slot the very next day. Results were out the following day too. This kind of efficiency costs me S$1,000 excluding the treatment sessions averaging about S$100 per half an hour. I too accepted it, because it was a non-subsidised hospital.

6th May 2011, one day before election, I received a sms from CGH that my orthopaedic surgery appointment @ Changi General Hospital (CGH) had been once again delayed – for a second time. This time round delayed another 3 months from the already delayed date – end of August.

More than 6 months to see the doctor, just to do a scan? This is ridiculous, unacceptable and simply insane. I do not actually need to see the doctor anymore, but I am really mad.

I called the hospital and demanded an explanation. I was really really mad. And to my surprise, the operations manager reverted back to me within 3 hours and offered me an appointment slot that was just a few days later.

I was very impressed with her professionalism and efficiency. But somehow this made me even more angry. If I were one of the poor, uneducated, non-complaining Singaporeans or one who does not know which channel to go for help, I would have to accept these delays in seeking medical treatment? Is it because my condition is not life threatening that I have to accept this kind of unprofessionalism and inefficiency? Or are the poor and weak supposed to have higher threshold for pain and their lives are not as worthy as the rich?

I have since written to Ministry of Health and the Straits Times forum page. I have yet to hear from them. I am very sure a lot of people are facing the same problem. And as a fellow Singaporean, (not trying to be label as a typical complaining Singaporean) I think I have to voice out and make attempts to rectify issues like this.

And convey the message that our healthcare system has a lot of room to improve on. I sincerely hope Ms Tin Pei Ling and Mr Khaw Boon Wan – both of whom espoused the affordability and efficiency of our healthcare system – will be able to read this and make sure what needs to be rectified will be rectified.


Picture from the History Society.

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毕丹星吁免除部队部分免责权 黄永宏:问责制一直都在

阿裕尼集选区议员、工人党秘书长毕丹星建议政府可废除部分军队免责权,指挥官一旦行动鲁莽、恶意行事或故意忽视安全,就不能受免责条文的保护。 工人党非选区议员陈立峰也提出相同提议。不过,国防部长黄永宏则认为,废除军队免责保护可能对军人构成名誉风险,致使他们不敢承担责任,进而影响军队的作战效率。 政府诉讼法令第14节条文赋免责权 根据政府诉讼法令(Government Proceedings Act)第14节条文规定,武装部队人员在执勤时,若导致另一部队成员伤亡,该人员和政府都豁免被民事诉讼追究。 针对近期频发的国民服役人员事故事件,黄永宏昨日在国会透露有关战备军人冯伟衷在维修自走炮时发生事故的部分细节,以及针对去年11月在军训时被后退步兵战车撞死的刘凯,公布独立调查委员会调查结果。 黄永宏针对毕丹星的建议强调问责制度一直都在,对于失误负责的指挥官或战备军人,他们可不是面对民事赔偿,他们会被判入狱服刑,也意味着他们的职业生涯就毁了,他们得到应有的惩罚。 黄永宏强调,他担心的不是国防部的声誉,而更关注指挥官有没有能力在监督和带领士兵安全执行军训。过去也有指挥官面对刑事指控,受到应有惩罚。 但毕丹星也认为,政府有必要对部队施以更大的问责,此举乃是重构公众对国民服役的信心。 “零伤亡”目标不实际 他说,政府可列出不得豁免被起诉的情况,然后交由法庭决定国防部或涉案的指挥官是否须对事故负责。…