The following commentary was published in The Straits Times on September 3, 1994.In light of what has transpired during the recent general election, we re-publish this...
A letter to TOC from Ivan Thomasz: Some people say it is cruel to criticize Tin Pei Ling with vulgar words. Be that as it may,...
Leong Sze Hian Since voting is compulsory, what happens if you do not vote in the elections? Your name will be removed from the register of...
Yap Kim Hao Throughout the General Election and its aftermath the word that kept popping up was: LISTEN. Everyone claims they want to listen. Candidates from...
Aziz Bin Ahmad I watched the recent elections with cautious interest. I am wary of what the future holds, and at the same time weary of...
Yvonne Leng / I had gone to a polyclinic in mid-February and requested to do a MRI scan for my chronic backache which gave me agonizing pain and...