Andrew Loh

People’s Action Party (PAP) candidate for Holland-Bukit Timah Group Representation Constituency (GRC), Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, made comments about a YouTube video that would raise “awkward questions” for the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP). His comments were reported in the Sunday Times, 24 April.

Dr Balakrishnan and his team from the PAP are being challenged by the SDP team in the upcoming elections. The SDP team is led by Dr Vincent Wijeysingha, Mr Tan Jee Say, Mr Ang Yong Guan, and Ms Michelle Lee.

Following Dr Balakrishnan’s remarks, the SDP asked him to clarify the video he was referring to.

Today, Monday 25 April, Dr Balakrishnan and his GRC team issued a statement on the matter.

The PAP statement, which was undersigned by Dr Vivian Balakrishnan and candidates Liang Eng Hwa, Christopher de Souza and Sim Ann, reads as follows:

“A video has been posted on the internet showing Vincent Wijeysingha participating at a forum which discussed the promotion of the gay cause in Singapore.

“The discussion at the forum also touched on sex with boys and whether the age of consent for boys should be 14 years of age.

“In the video, Wijeysingha was introduced as being from the SDP.

“In addition to other comments, Wijeysingha stated: ‘I think the gay community has to rally ourselves. Perhaps one outcome of today’s forum would be, for those of us who are interested, to come together to further consider how we can address the 377 issue as well as further rights issues in relation to gays and lesbians.’

“We believe that candidates should be upfront about their political agenda and motives, so that voters are able to make an informed choice.

“The issue is not Wijeysingha’s sexual orientation. That is a matter for him.

“The video raises the question on whether Wijeysingha will now pursue this cause in the political arena and what is the SDP’s position on the matter.”


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