Andrew Loh

Mr Tan Jee Say is one of the four Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) candidates for the Holland-Bukit Timah Group Representation Constituency (GRC) for the upcoming General Election.

Mr Tan, 57, was with the Ministry of Trade and Industry from 1979 to 1985 where he headed economic and manpower planning and also served as secretary to the late Dr Albert Winsemius, the economic adviser to the Singapore Government.

From 1985-1990, he was the principal private secretary to Mr Goh Chok Tong, who took office as Singapore’s Prime Minister in 1991.

In 1990, Mr Tan went into investment banking and subsequently took up fund management. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, and a graduate of Oxford University where he read philosophy, politics and economics.

Mr Tan was one of the panelists in a public forum organized by TOC in February, following the Government’s Budget statement. At the forum, Mr Tan spoke on the Foreign Worker Policy and the casinos.

You can read TOC’s report here: Foreign worker policy and casinos will break up society – Tan Jee Say.

Mr Tan’s ideas in a 45-page paper, “Creating Jobs and Enterprise in a new Singapore economy – Ideas for Change”, have been in the news since his candidacy for the elections was announced. It has attracted the attention of the Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Lim Hng Kiang, who disagreed with the ideas in the paper.

Earlier The Online Citizen presented a three-part summary of the paper.

They are:

1. What’s wrong with the current Singapore growth model?

2. A S$60 billion National Regeneration Plan

3. Improving Singaporeans’ standard of living

Here, because of the interest generated of late, we present the 45-page paper in full.

You can view it here.

We thank Mr Tan for allowing us to publish the paper here on this website.


Headline picture from the Straits Times.

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一再回避最低薪资制 我们与“瑞士生活水平”渐行渐远?

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