PAP MP for Mountbatten SMC, Lim Biow Chuan, posted the following photo on his Facebook page, apparently on 18 April 2011.

Notice that the picture says: “23172 people like this”:

But if you click on his actual Facebook page, it has only 244 “likes” – even on 23 April 2011 – as can be seen in the screenshot below:

When commenters asked about this, Mr Lim said:

“No worries. We have 23172 voters in Mountbatten (last audited figure) and my team envision to achieve this target. It’s a creative feature which they added and we are working as a team to achieve that. Good to point this out so that i can explain here. :)”

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人力部长杨莉明前日(6日)书面答复宏茂桥议员殷丹的提问,指成年子女与父母联名买公共组屋,如要从共同拥屋权除名,那么买屋用的公积金存款就必须连本带利填补回户头。 她指为了确保会员们有充足退休金不受影响,所以会员们出售组屋时,都被要求购屋用的公积金存款,需连本带利填补回户头。 该政策也适用于那些与父母联名购屋的子女,这是因为他们一旦从共同拥屋权除名,就等同于“售屋”。 杨莉明指出,当局发现许多公积金会员申请拥屋权转让,是因为要和新婚伴侣合买组屋。 “对于这类个案,会员可先办理拥屋权转让手续,在取得新组屋的半年后,才开始公积金填补。”如果会员买的是预购(BTO)组屋,还可以延长数年。 她解释,填补回会员户头的公积金存款,也可用来偿还新组屋。会员可透过父母公积金储蓄填补,或申请建屋局和银行的贷款。 议员质询是否可弹性批准让子女豁免填补 殷丹是询问人力部长,过去五年有多少我国成年子女,在除名和父母联名的组屋时申请豁免公积金填补,以及公积金局会否考虑检讨政策,让这些子女有更多弹性,以选择让父母豁免全额填补。 过去五年,公积金局平均每年接到200份,希望在转让拥屋权时豁免公积金填补的申请。 她补充,如会员无法如期填补,公积金局和建屋局会根据他们家庭的特定枪口,和他们商讨其他选项,例如亲友是否能接受共有组屋的份额,或父母是否同意在经济许可下“大屋换小屋”。

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