In a follow-up to Flying Cheap, the hard-hitting investigation into major airlines’ outsourcing of flights to obscure regional airlines, award-winning investigative documentary series FRONTLINE and the Investigative Reporting Workshop examine the growing trend of the outsourcing of major airline repair work to lower-cost independent maintenance operations in the U.S and abroad.

Among the companies there were investigated was ST Aerospace Mobile in Alabama.The company was established in September 1990 by Singapore Technologies Aerospace, a division of Singapore Technologies Engineering.

ST Aerospace Mobile now does heavy repair work for several major airlines, including United Airlines, Delta Air Lines and US Airways. Through interviews with company mechanics and an examination of both government and company records, the investigation raises serious questions about the quality and experience of the workforce; the use of foreign workers with limited English proficiency; and the alleged use of unauthorized airline parts.

In the preview below, an ST employee told FRONTLINE  correspondent Miles ‘O Brien of a major inspection at ST by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) last April. The company was given two weeks of warning before the FAA inspection. According to the employee, the resultant clean-up saw many “untagged and illegal” aircraft parts being thrown out and moved to a rented warehouse. After the inspection, some of the parts were taken back to ST.

FRONTLINE claimed that since 2004, ST had been cited in FAA reports repeatedly for “failing to properly tag, document and track parts through its maintenance system.”

Click here to watch the full documentary.

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【选举】选举局拟定付费网络广告条规 惟竞选相关措施仍待公布

尽管选举局今日(8日)一连发出两份文告,公布有关网络付费选举广告,以及选民投票的安全措施之修订条规,惟与竞选活动细节等措施,例如是否有群众大会、会见选民等活动,选举局表示需视届时冠病疫情而定。 有关投票站安全措施,包括将进行选民排队时将进行体温检测,参选者和竞选代理亦同。选民在投票站也需保持安全距离、需戴口罩和手套等。也不得携带非选民(如孩子)去投票。 当局将依据大选期间疫情,决定是否让出现症状者投票。当局将增设投票站,从原本的880个投票站,增加至1100个投票站。 早上8时至中午12时,保留给65岁以上选民投票 该局设定选民分时段投票,可在特定两小时内去投票,以减少人潮。早上8点至中午12点,将保留给65岁以上的选民投票。 参选人与竞选代理,需下载SafeEntry应用程序;选民则前往投票站前,先通过网络登记,协助当局踪接触者。 付费网络竞选广告方面,竞选期开始12小时内,候选人须上网向选举官,申报用来发布竞选广告的平台。如有用新平台,无论付费或非付费,也要申报。 付费网络广告将需列出刊登广告者,如候选人本身、政党还是经授权的第三方竞选者。 候选人向选举官提交表格时,也需写明广告费多少。 或增加候选人和政党电视广播时段 若届时无法举办大型竞选活动,当局将确保选民能获得政党和候选人资讯,当局称可能会增加候选人和政党在电视广播的时段。 至于网络竞选活动仍可继续进行。

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