The Prime Minister of Singapore has revealed his intentions to declare The Online Citizen as a political association.

According to an email sent to TOC at 5pm yesterday evening by the Prime Minister’s office, the Prime Minister  “intends to declare the owners, editorial team, and administrators of The Online Citizen, by order in the Gazette, to be a political association for the purposes of the Political Donations Act. The owners, editorial team, and administrators of The Online Citizen have been determined to be an organization whose objects or activities relate wholly or mainly to politics in Singapore.”

This means that TOC is barred from receiving funds from foreign donors and letting foreigners take part in its events.

TOC has 14 days to reveal the identities of its owners, editorial team and administrators. TOC is also required to designate a President, Treasurer and Secretary of the association, and they will be responsible for the preparation and accuracy of the donations reports for The Online Citizen.

The last group to be gazetted is human rights advocacy NGO Maruah in November last year. Maruah is the fourth group -after the Open Singapore Centre, the Think Centre and Singaporeans For Democracy – to be gazetted as a political association.

If TOC complies, it will be the fifth. It will also be the first time bloggers are considered a political association.

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日前,中国流行病学专家钟南山领导的团队,发表论文称2019新型冠状病毒潜伏期最长可长达24天。 该研究由中国工程院院士钟南山领衔,也是迄今为止样本量最大的一项新冠肺炎回顾性研究成果,已发表于医学研究论文预印本平台medRxiv。研究基于全国552家医院的1099例病例数据,名为《中国2019年新型冠状病毒感染的临床特征》调查报告。 medRxiv亦提醒,该研究尚未经评议,不应用于指导临床实践。其中引起争议的则是报告中提及,新冠病毒的潜伏期介于零至24天,而其极端值也被媒体广为报道,引起关注。 对此,临床微生物学与传染病学亚太学会会长淡马亚(Paul Tambyah)医生分析,潜伏期是指病毒入侵宿主细胞时间,一般不需要很久,其他冠状病毒如沙斯(SARS)病毒的潜伏期为二至七天,中东呼吸道综合征(MERS)病毒为二至14天,流感病毒则是二至四天。 病毒从细胞汲取养分后破坏细胞,接着人体免疫系统消灭被感染的细胞时,病患就会出现症状。 而研究指出,潜伏期中位数为三天,尽管只有三天,但多数呼吸道疾病的病毒最长潜伏期为14天,因此我国实施14天隔离期是适当的措施,而中国确诊病例相当多,追踪接触者手机到的资料也未必百分百准确,可能会出现遗漏。 可能出现二次传染 淡马亚表示,“你可能以为是A传给B,而两者之间可能最后一次接触是在24天前,但这可能是错的,因为中间可能出现C,是C比B早接触A,被感染了再由C传给B。” 淡马亚是接受《联合早报》采访时,这么分析。此前他曾接受《海峡时报》采访,其中也分析坊间戴不戴口罩的疑惑。 淡马亚医生是国立大学医学教授、国大医院传染病学部高级顾问,也是新加坡民主党主席。 另外,上述中国论文并未针对追踪接触者的方法加以说明。…