HDB, CPF, Healthcare, Jobs, Income, etc – What do they mean for women who are economically disadvantaged? Do some of our economic and social policies need to be reviewed from the perspective that they may be contributing to a trend of increasing systemic risks for lower-income women in the workforce or homemakers? Should we focus on helping more and more women and their children who need help? Or should we give more attention to awareness and understanding of the policies that may be the dominant cause of poverty? Malaysia gives a monthly allowance of RM1.050 to disabled workers, concessionary public transport for the disabled and elderly, RM1 for medical treatment at public clinics, free treatment and drugs for HIV patients, public housing from RM25,000, etc. These are just some of the comparisons which will be discussed vis-a-vis women in poverty in Singapore.

Speakers/ commentators: Leong Sze Hian, Past President, Society of Financial Service Professionals, and Dr. Kanwaljit Soin
Chair: Corinna Lim
Register here for January’s Discussion

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