by Ravi Philemon

Mr Sin Kek Tong, the Chairman of Singapore People’s Party is no stranger to controversies. In 2008, Mr Sin reportedly said that he will support protests of any kind, only when there are no more single member constituencies. More recently, he blew the whistle on the secretary-general of SPP, Mr Chiam See Tong, that Mr Chiam has not been paying his dues to the Party coffers.

Is there more to this opposition politician who has contested 5 general elections and came very close to unseating PAP candidate Goh Choon Kang in the 1991 General Election with 47.7% of the valid votes? The Online Citizen caught up with the veteran politician recently to hear him out.

“If I don’t speak up now, what moral grounds would I have to speak up when someone else from the Party gets elected and gets into parliament but does not contribute ten per cent of his MP allowance to the Party?” Mr Sin explained when asked why he chose to go public about Mr Chiam’s under-contributions to the Party coffers only now. “But all is fine now. Mr Chiam understands why I had to do it and we will accept the $1000 contribution from Mr Chiam.”

Mr Sin, who turns 69 this year, confirmed that he would contest the single member constituency of Chua Chu Kang.

When reminded that the Reform Party(RP)  has also laid claim to Chua Chu Kang SMC and that Mr Jeyaretnam the secretary-general of the Reform Party had said that Mr Sin may have to risk a three-cornered fight, Mr Sin replied, “Mr Jeyaretnam has always said that he wants ties between SPP and RP to be strengthened, but then he makes statements like this. How can ties be strengthened when you undermine the work of a member of the Party you want to strengthen ties with?”

“I want to avoid a three-cornered fight,” he added.  “I have been doing the groundwork in Chua Chu Kang since 2008. I only have a few more years where I can offer myself as an opposition candidate. The Reform Party candidates are younger. I hope they will defer to me because of the work I have been doing on the ground, for the sake of strengthening ties between parties and also because of my age”.

What about his specific plans for Chua Chu Kang?

Mr Sin said, “Chua Chu Kang has a higher ratio of HDB flat owners. In other constituencies the HDB/private property mix is at a ratio of 80/20. In Choa Chu Kang, 90 per cent of the constituents are HDB flat owners, so the main issue I will be bringing up will be the cost of living, which is also a national issue.

“I am also a firm believer in stability. I believe that anyone elected should strive to provide as much normalcy and stability to the constituents as possible. As such if elected and if it is acceptable to the victors of the election in Hong Kah GRC, I will choose to keep Chua Chu Kang town council under the Hong Kah town council, as is the case now. This way, there will be minimal disruption to the residents of Chua Chu Kang.”

“2011 will be a fruitful year for the opposition, but only if we stay united,” he concluded.

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《防假消息法》也管私人聊天群组? 网民感隐私被侵犯“很不舒服”

律政部高级政务部长辉于周二(5月7日)在国会中说明《防止网络假消息和网络操纵法案》细节时指出,散播假信息的交流平台,如私人聊天群组或社交媒体群组,以及端对端(end-to-end encryption )加密,只允许发送者和接收者交流的网站将被屏蔽。这项举措让很多网民感到不舒服,抨击如同隐私被侵犯。 在《防假消息法》辩论中,唐振辉曾表示,聊天群组和社交媒体群组般的封闭式渠道,与开放式渠道一样,是“公共扩音器”。“由于假消息可以被隐藏起来,这些渠道则是故意散布假新闻的理想平台。研究人员认为,在封闭式的空间里,人们更容易受到假新闻感染情绪,因为群体内人士是熟悉和相互信任的。” “因此,草案意识到封闭式平台不一定是私人的。他们不仅可用于个人和私讯,但是也能在同一个时间和数百或数千人交流。” 根据该法案,部长一旦指出某些新闻内容不属实,将有权发布更正令或停止向外沟通,基本上是强迫散布假消息的个人或公司、网站作出更正或撤出有关消息。 他指出,更正令将以通告形式发出,警告人们有关的假消息,有关通告也将列出事实或与提供事实的网页衔接。 他也指出,除了在新闻媒体和互联网中介等平台上公布或放大有关的更正通告,更正通告也可能成为假新闻的警告标签。“有关指示可以针对任何在网上发出假新闻的平台,无论是什么平台,无论是开放式或封闭式的,包括端到端加密的平台。” 根据《防假消息法》,唐振辉说道,有关的指示具备弹性,能够处理散播在未来开发平台上的假新闻。 如独裁统治言论 在有关的信息公布后,许多网民纷纷表示政府采用的《防假消息法》程序,已经侵犯了他们的隐私,感到非常不满。 他们在《海峡时报》脸书专页上纷纷留言,表示对此举感到不安,并且听起来“很像独裁统治”。Mohd Iskandar…

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