From Society of Singapore Writers

“The word has more than nine lives”

Is it true that many creative people have never been recognized? Is it accidental or inevitable for a creative person to be successful, or is success more certain for an uncreative, destructive person?

SSW President Maurice Neo will lead the discussion on these issues, in order to come to a deeper understanding of ‘Creativity’, a word that, in the opinion of SSW veteran Poh Choo, “has become a cliche – being often misunderstood, misused, misinterpreted and misrepresented”.

Do come to our January First Friday Writers’ Corner (FFWC):

Date: Friday, 7 Jan 2010

Time: 6:00pm till 10:00pm (see below)

Location: YMCA Cafe/Terrace (4th floor, Orchard Road YMCA)

Topic: Creativity and Success

You are welcome to join us for our regular First Friday Writers’ Corner, where writers gather to discuss the art of writing. This month we will be examining the relationship between Creativity and Success.

The formal programme starts at 7:30. The time between 6:00 and 7:30 is for you: if you have written anything you would like to have critiqued, come by early. We’ll be glad to provide expert comments. All genres welcome.

Marice Neo

Maurice has taught Creativity at the SMU with SSW’s Prof Kirpal Singh (Advisor).

Come clear up your misconceptions and let free your creative juices. Join us on 7 January 2011.

Please note: Ismail Kassim, the veteran journalist and established writer and lawyer/writer Eric Ng, will be at the FFWC from 7:00 pm onwards. They are FFWC resource people answering questions on the writing process and how to get published.

Also note: Regina Kuan of National Book Development Council of Singapore, will also be present.

The YMCA Terrace is located on the fourth floor of the YMCA building, 1 Orchard Road. We will be meeting outside on the terrace (go straight after exiting the elevator), but you can find us first at the Y Cafe (turn left after exiting the elevator).

Give us a ring if you don’t see us:

Maurice: 9475 5379

Nicole Ling :91801323

Daphne: 9137 1983

Why not plan your evening to include a meal at the Y Cafe! They have an excellent weekly menu. Coffee and dessert are also available for those who have eaten elsewhere.

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