The Moratorium on the Mandatory Death Penalty campaign

For easier access, the following is a listing of all the articles and videos published on TOC regarding the Mandatory Death Penalty

When discretion could have saved a life: the case of Rozman bin Jusoh

If the death penalty had not been mandatory, the judges would have been able to take into account Rozman’s subnormal intellect (he had an IQ of 74), as well as the conduct of the CNB officer

Australian court says presumption of guilt a subversion

“In our view, there is no reasonable justification, let alone any ‘demonstrable’…

Presumed; presumption; deemed – and we take your life

For those of you (or your friends) who wonder why we’re against the Mandatory Death Penalty for drugs trafficking, here are the reasons – the many presumption clauses in the Misuse of Drugs Act

Gerard Ee – right in slamming physician assisted suicide

Ravi Philemenon argues against making Physician Assisted Suicide and euthanasia an option

Red light area gets out of line

The Star of Malaysia asks the questions about the impact of too many foreigners that the local press should

Wage hikes must come with increased productivity: Gan Kim Yong

“However, gains from productivity improvements may not necessarily lead to higher wages,…

Breeding a subsidy mentality in housing

Alex Au, author of Yawning Bread, speaks out against the subsidy culture of Singapore

Undercover investigation on illegal tiger parts trade

ACRES went undercover from December to February to gather video evidence against jewellery and antique traders selling tiger parts

Some creative messiness, please

“But to become a great centre for the arts and culture, like…