From the Daily Mail:

We’ve all been there – deeply embarrassed after our mobile phone has gone off unexpectedly during meetings, conferences, films, and so on.

So this poor journalist’s mortification is understandable – though she gets no extra sympathy for her choice of ringtone.

Barack Obama was giving a speech yesterday when – to a reporter’s horror – her mobile phone went off, interrupting the U.S. President.

To make matters worse, for some unimaginable reason the unidentified journalist had picked the sound of a duck quacking for her ringtone.

‘Whose – whose duck is back there?’ asked a confused Mr Obama, who had just been delivering a solemn address on homosexuality and civil rights.

‘It’s a duck,’ First Lady Michelle Obama confirmed, breaking down into giggles.

‘Where do you guys get these ringtones, by the way?’ the president asked to laughter. ‘I’m just curious.’

The President and the First Lady were hosting a reception for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Month in the East Room of the White House

And, as the quacking – and the laughter – fell silent, Mr Obama launched straight back in to his speech on fairness and equality.

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