1. Ancient China considered itself the centre of the world and called itself the Middle Kingdom. And well it should. It was far more advanced in every way than Europe of the Dark Ages. Maybe China is thinking of making a comeback.

2. But we already have a new Middle Kingdom now. During Lee Kuan Yew’s triumphant visit to Malaysia he made it known to the Malaysian supplicants that Singapore regards the lands within 6000 miles radius of Singapore as its hinterland. This includes Beijing and Tokyo and of course Malaysia.

3. Of course this self-deluding perception places Singapore at the centre of a vast region. It is therefore the latter day Middle Kingdom. The rest are peripheral and are there to serve the interest of this somewhat tiny Middle Kingdom.

4. Kuan Yew also explained that the fear Singapore Chinese would control Iskandar whatever is not justified. Malays can also work there. It is good to know that Malays can also work in their own country. I wonder as what? Maybe someone should make a study of the Malays of Singapore just to know what it is like to be a Malay minority in their own country.

5. As for the 3 sen per 1000 gallons of raw water supplied to Singapore Lee says it was absurd for the former Prime Minister of hinterland Malaysia to ask to increase it to RM8 per 1000 gallons. I don’t know where he got this. Some Malaysian officers did suggest this figure but we were ready to bargain and maybe settle for RM3. And why not? Johore sells raw water to Melaka for 30 sen, 1000% higher than to Singapore. And Melaka is, I believe, a part of Malaysia! Some Malaysians may see the irony of this.

6. The great 5th Prime Minister has decided that since the people of Johore did not want to sell sand to Singapore, Malaysia would not build any bridge, straight or crooked, or negotiate and settle the other issues like the Central Provident Fund, the Railway land. Maybe the 5th Prime Minister thinks he is punishing Singapore. Actually he is giving Singapore what its wants including the 3 sen per 1000 gallons water until 2061. Think of how many grains of nasi lemak we can buy with 3 sen in 2061. Imagine what 1000 gallons will earn for Singapore at that time. Can’t think of a more astute PM for Malaysia.

7. All those who met the great man from the little country were lectured on how Malaysia should be run. We should not have anymore problems now. We have been told the direction to take. MCA must help UMNO to win because Singapore does not want an Islamic Party like PAS to win. We must ensure this. Sorry PAS. Working with the DAP, the offspring of PAP has not endeared you to Mr Lee.

8. I have a lot more to say about this little Emperor but I will reserve it for later.

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*本文乃节译自:香港科技大学领导力和公共政策学高级讲师刘浩典教授,以及管理顾问吴俊卫(Benjamin Goh)合著的评论,原文于2019年2月20日刊于《海峡时报》。 刘浩典也是李光耀公共政策研究院前副院长,吴俊卫则曾担任哈佛大学知名经济学家格里高利.曼昆(N. Gregory Mankiw)经济学入门课程EC10的教学助理。   诚如经济学格言提到:相对人们的无限欲望,资源总是有限稀缺的。在有关预算的任何讨论中,我们总被一再提醒必须权衡利弊取舍、还有作为社会支柱的社会契约价值观。比方说,很常我们会听到宏观社会开支,对工作积极度会带来负面影响的论述,又或者说,这在财政上难以维续。 然而就好像我们相信科学家提出的科学理论,人们对这些疑似经济学论点,很容易毫无怀疑地会照单全收。 但我们应抵制这种诱惑。与其反映现实经验,许多经济命题更多地表达发表者自己意识形态或信念。举一些我们常听到的经济观点: 自由贸易会让社会里所有人过得更好 最低薪金制会减少就业 一位专业的经济学家对这样的观点给予的肯定更少。他/她会说,这种命题只有在某些(严格)的假设下才能成立。…

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