Dear Members

This is my first day in office. I just want to quickly convey my gratitude for your forbearance in the past weeks and for your tremendous support at last Saturday’s EGM.

Your statements, your actions of support have changed the face of civil society in Singapore and we at AWARE can now stand even taller and braver than ever before.

Our membership has surged and women and men, young and old, now feel empowered by your exemplary voices.

These have been an extraordinary time. In the furore and, the trauma, we have experienced affirmation and renewal: old friends have reconnected, new friends made.  An immediate task for us is to reach out and connect with all new members, to bridge differences and, to invite their participation  in the work of AWARE.

I would also like to thank you for the vote and to say that it is a real privilege to be in office at this momentous time. I’m sorry this has to be short for now. You will hear again from me very soon. The Exco join me in thanking you for your vote of confidence in us.

Warmest Regards,

Dana Lam



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