From Siew Kum Hong’s blog:

The attacks have continued since my last posting on this blog. In particular, the latest attacks have alleged and/or insinuated that (a) I asked for and am receiving foreign funding from a Swedish politician, who allegedly funds the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) as well, and (b) I am involved or associated with the SDP and may be their representative or “mole” in Parliament.

Both of these allegations are untrue and false. They are vile, vicious and malicious attacks on me, and nothing short of character assassination. I consider them extremely defamatory and criminal in nature.

I did not at any time ask for, and have not at any time been offered or accepted, any sort of funding from any local or foreign entity, including the Swedish politician named in the latest attack. The only sources of income (or funding) that I have, are my employer and the Government of Singapore (in the form of my monthly NMP allowance). Furthermore, I am not involved or affiliated or associated, whether directly, indirectly or in any other way, with the SDP, and am certainly not their representative or “mole” in Parliament.

Read the full article here.

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曾累计1503例确诊 大士村宿舍被列为安全

根据人力部文告,本地再有127座客工宿舍,被列为安全宿舍,不再有冠病19传染。 其中包括大士村宿舍(Tuas View Dormitory)等12座客工专用宿舍(PBD),被列为安全。有关宿舍此前曾累计多达1千503例冠病确诊。在4月17日就被令隔离。 在不呢月4日,本地有114间工厂改建宿舍(FCD),与13间建筑工地临时宿舍(CTQ)被列为安全。 其他列为安全的客工专用宿舍包括Homestay Lodge、PPT Lodge 1A和Alaunia Lodge和裕廊本茱鲁宿舍(Jurong Penjuru Dormitory)。…

疫情下客工宿舍成本增 政府助业者吸纳额外成本

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【选举】工人党公布竞选宣言 要让选民选票“票有所值”

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Prof Lim Chong Yah’s proposals are timely and should be implemented

~ By Ng E-Jay ~ Professor Lim Chong Yah, the Albert Winsemius…