Breaking News: Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi is to face trial for breaching the conditions of her detention under house arrest, her lawyer has said… (BBC News)

Excerpt from Alex Au’s website, Yawning Bread:

Over the last few days, I asked a few friends what they thought Siew’s chances were. Almost everyone thought his chances of re-appointment were poor. In their view, the government would see Siew as too controversial a figure -– which is almost a debasement of the word “controversial”.

Siew is outstanding as an NMP if you go by a simple measure of how often he participates in parliamentary debates. In the 26 months that he has been in the House, he spoke or asked questions on 134 occasions. The annexure What did NMPs speak on 2006 – 2008? lists the topics that he and other NMPs spoke on or asked questions about. What will strike you is that Siew ranged over different fields, while some other NMPs restricted themselves to extremely narrow topics. From a taxpayer’s perspective, Siew is value for money.

Read the rest of the article here.

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为女友讨债、锁链困他人居所 私召车司机认罪入狱六周

不满女友友人欠债一年余未还,男友为女友出面讨债,岂知到友人家中讨债不果,将友人的父亲和女佣锁在单位内将近七小时,因此被判坐牢六周。 30岁的男销售员,被指一年前向一名女性朋友借钱,但是至今未还,且还一直闹失联。女债主屡屡讨债失败后,就向男友,39岁的私召车司机黄世豪诉苦。 被告在听到女友诉苦后一时不忿,决定要为女友讨公道。他买了锁链后,于去年的10月22日凌晨2时许,到销售员位于大巴窑的住家外叫嚣,要求男销售员出面还债。 当时只用一名女佣和销售员的70岁老父在家中,面对被告的催促,女佣就尝试拨电给销售员,但是都无人接听。 被告当时非常不忿,就用锁链将住家大门上锁,并且留言给女佣,若要人开锁,就叫销售员联络他。 控方指出,销售员父亲当时身体不适,需要睡觉,因此在被告离去后就回到房间了,而他平常都是以轮椅代步。而受到惊吓的女佣,当时也无计可施,唯有一直拨电向销售员求助,但是电话始终没人接听。 至到隔日早上7时许,销售员才接听女佣的电话,并在知晓事情后立刻报警。 警方接获投报后,赶到现场将被禁锢将近七小时的两人救出,并且展开行动将被告逮捕。 被告是于今天(23日)早上,在法庭承认一项非法禁锢他人的罪名,被判处六周的监刑。

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