Extract from Kent Ridge Common

SINGAPORE – One MP got punched and was subsequently set on fire in an unfortunate incident. Another received threats of a physical assault by phone. Recently, a 17-year-old was arrested for hurling a chair at the glass door of an MP office.


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that people who need help from their MP are already at their last vestige of desperation. Obviously, a person who has been doing grassroots work and administering to such people for a long time would be able to cope with such desperate souls. An attitude of wanting to help the downtrodden ones is a definite must-have.

What does the political culture of the ruling PAP have to do with this? Senior Minister Mr Goh Chok Tong admitted that the purpose of the Group Representation Constituency (GRC) is to serve as a platform to bring top talents who are potential ministerial material into the government.

They also contribute to Singapore’s political stability, by ‘helping us to recruit younger and capable candidates with the potential to become ministers. – The Straits Times, in an interview with Mr Goh

And Mr Goh further added that such candidates wanted the guarantee of winning their first election if they were to make their first foray into politics.

Without some assurance of a good chance of winning at least their first election, many able and successful young Singaporeans may not risk their careers to join politics.
– Mr Goh, in the aforementioned interview

Read the full article here.

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