Report from Channel NewsAsia:

SINGAPORE: Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng has welcomed the position taken by the National Council of Churches of Singapore, on the recent saga involving women’s group, AWARE. 

On Thursday, the umbrella Christian group issued a statement saying, among other things, that it did not condone the use of the pulpit to get involved in the controversy. 

Mr Wong, who is also Home Affairs Minister, said it was a “responsible” stand that will help prevent any misunderstanding that the churches are backing one side in the AWARE dispute, or that this is a dispute between Christians and other Singaporeans. 

He added that tolerance and restraint by all racial and religious groups is the “only practical way” for them to pursue their faiths in peace. 

AWARE is having an extraordinary general meeting at Suntec City Hall 402 on Saturday, 2 pm, following a “no confidence” call by the old committee, after a new committee took over recently. 

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只为了和同伴“同返”改造所 少年纠众大闹收容所

参与去年新加坡男童收容所骚扰事件的其中一名被告,因为想要和同伴一起重回改造所,因此纠众闹事。 昨日(4日)在庭上,其中一名“受邀”参与破坏行动的16岁少年在面对两项破坏公物控状时,都表示认罪。由于七人都未成年,法庭因此谕令媒体不得将他们的名字曝光。 根据案情指出,位于裕廊西24街的男童收容所假今年9月10日爆发骚扰事件,七名年龄介于14至16岁的少年乱丢垃圾、大喊大叫、弄翻床褥、破坏厕所的洗脸盆,还用以布制成的绳子尝试拉下安装于墙上的电视机。 被告和一名室友在隔壁房见到他们大闹,当下也加入破坏行动,用拖鞋砸坏电视机等物件。 七人的肆意破坏和大声喊叫,最终惊动了警员抵达现场,将他们逮捕,而他们也破坏了总值3621元的财物。 原来事件肇因是因为一名曾于去年9月参与男童收容所的16岁少年,在今年被囚于樟宜监狱一周,返回男童收容所时遇见自己的四名室友。 他因此有了想和他们一起被判入改造所的想法,就“邀”四人一起在男童收容所大闹,而当时在隔壁房的被告也答应参与。 控方指出,虽然被安排入住男童收容所,但是被告行为恶劣,实在不适合缓刑监视。对此,法官指出下判之前,要控方提交改造训练报告,并决定于本月11日续审。

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