Raffles Institution (Junior College) will be holding its 2nd Raffles Community Leaders Forum (RCLF) from 8 June to 11 June.

As part of the lead-up to the event in June, the student organizers will be holding a pre-forum event at Speakers’ Corner  (Hong Lim Park) on May 3rd, Sunday.

The event at Speakers’ Corner on Sunday is part of the publicity to raise public awareness for RCLF and community issues which the forum in June will be exploring. The leaders of the different topics will be giving brief overviews of their issues and pinpointing the specific problems which they have identified, allowing positive engagement of youths to speak up and seek solutions to community problems.

The RCLF is “a platform for youth to gather and collectively engage specific community issues through facilitated discussions, community interaction and talks,” say the organisers. “The final product at the end of the forum would be an action plan detailing the contributions that the Forum participants can make towards ameliorating the problem and addressing the needs of the target community.”

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) this year include:

Reaching out to abused and neglected children

Meeting the needs of the elderly

Youths at risk

Environmental issues

Victims of abuse – outrage of modesty 

Understanding the intellectually disabled

Urban poverty

Animal welfare

Understanding the physically disabled

Victims of abuse: dating and domestic violence

The forum is targeted at youths between the ages of 17 to 25 with a “genuine desire to make a difference.”

You can register for the June SCLF here: http://www.rafflesclf.org/


The event on Sunday is as follows:

Date: May 3

Time: 5pm to 7pm

Venue: Speakers’ Corner, Hong Lim Park


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