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Strengthening the marriage bond

University students try hand at helping couples enrich their marriages.



With increasing numbers of couples whereby both spouses are in the workforce, there is decreasing time left for these couples to spend together. We are organising an event for young married couples.

The aim of this project is to strengthen marital bonds between couples, and to enhance communication between them. This event will provide an opportunity for married couples to discover more about each other, while enjoying each other’s company. This is going to be done through physical activities, like games and an ‘Amazing Race’ style activity. This will include charades, confidence walk, and a very interesting photo/food hunt.

In addition, we are trying to create a sustainable platform for the continuity of such an event. There are talks and workshops, especially catered for couples on marriage enrichment, by family-oriented VWOs.

We want to put the ‘fun’ back in being together as a couple. Our event will allow couples who need a break from the strenuous cycle of work and more work to have a ‘couple’s day out’; fun-loving couples who would relish a challenge; and couples looking for something new to do together. And our event will provide just that!

I believe you may ask, why would a bunch of University students want to organize a community service project for married couples? Well, you would have heard of all the government efforts in promoting quality family time, healthy work-life balance, as well as all the baby campaigns. We believe all of this stems from a strong marriage. It is the bedrock of a harmonious family that will form the basic unit of society. We feel that our rapid city lifestyle has decreased the amount of personal time and we are constantly drowning in the work we need to do -work that spills over office hours into our own personal life- causing us to lose precious time with those that really matter.

With the support of MCYS, this event will be held on the 25th October 2008, from 10am – 5pm. This whole-day event will be hosted at Singapore Management University, while the amazing race-esque location hunt will take place in a 200m radius of the SMU campus.  

The following is our programme outline:

10.00am – Registration (Distribution of goodies bags)

10.30am to 11.30am – Interactive games

11.30am to 2.30pm – Amazing Race (Photohunt and Foodhunt)

3.00pm to 5.00pm – Talk by Speaker + Prize presentation to best performing couples

Admission & participation: FREE

For registration and more details, please hit REPLY to [email protected] or contact Elycia at 97366520 or Amanda at 98215188

Kindly fill in the followings when registering online:-

1. Name and IC no. of Person registering:

2. Name and IC no. of spouse:

3. Contact number of person registering:

4. Age(s):

In bringing about awareness of this event, we are all doing our little part in helping strengthen the foundation of family — marriage. We hope that you would be able to part of this and help us to promote/cover this event through your blog as something a group of students is trying to do for Singapore society,

The invitation for this event goes out to you, your colleagues (and your respective spouses) as well! We really look forward to your participation!

Thank you. 


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