The Workers’ Party Youth Wing takes great pleasure in inviting you to participate in an upcoming public forum as part of the YouthQuake Forum Series. This forum series is into its fourth installment.

The topic for this session focuses on how youths can propose and carry forward a refreshing new approach to women issues in Singapore.

YouthQuake offers an excellent opportunity for Singapore youth to exchange ideas and experiences and we are confident that the forum topic will stimulate participants to debate and discuss. We thus encourage you not to miss such an occasion where you can keep pace with the pulse of today’s youth in a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere and experience the dynamic nature of youth-centric issues.

The details of the YouthQuake Forum are as follows:

Date: 16th August 2008 (Saturday)

Time: 1430 hrs – 1630 hrs

Venue: 216-G Syed Alwi Road #0203

The speakers for this event will be:

Dana Lam- Teo

Dana will be providing an overview on the story of feminism and a history of women’s activism and achievements in Singapore since independence in 1965 and how the role of women in Singapore society has evolved over the decades. She will also be touching on what the women’s movement is all about and why it is relevant today. Looking ahead, Dana will conclude by speaking on certain issues that she believes will be most relevant to AWARE in the current internet age.

Lee Lilian

Lilian believes that no women in Singapore should be taking on the burden of single motherhood willingly and single-handedly. Her presentation entitled “The predicament of a single-mother in Singapore” shall illustrate how the stigma of being a single mother still exists in Singapore society and why we should accept single-motherhood as a respectable part of our society. She will also propose some recommendations on how the government can provide a better support network for them.

Koh Kai Lin

Kai Lin’s presentation entitled, “1.29 to 2.1” is a reflection on boosting the birth rate among young women in Singapore and why financial incentives unveiled in recent years to encourage married Singaporeans to have more babies have failed to significantly cure Singapore’s baby blues. She will be offering creative and radical measures aimed at boosting Singapore‘s flagging birth rate. What exactly works best for young women in the local context will also be discussed.

Selene Cheng Ai Lin

The working women in Singapore has to grapple daily with the ideals and responsibilities imposed on them by the nation, society, family and the organisations they work for. Selene will be examining the roles of working women in a globalised economy and will offer suggestions on how businesses and the government can go about creating flexible work opportunities for women.

More Information can be found in the attachments enclosed.

In order to assist in the organisation of this forum, kindly confirm your attendance with Bernard Chen @ [email protected] or email the Workers’ Party Youth Wing @ [email protected] by 14th August 2008 (Thursday)

We look forward to hearing your views @ YouthQuake 4.


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日前,本社一篇文章批评,指责新加坡律师公会在政府起草《防止网络假消息及网络操纵》草案时,选择保持沉默。该公会会长维贾延德兰对此在本月12日,发文告作出反驳,指已经私下与政治决策者分享该公会的立场。 该公会解释,此前已受政府之邀为防假消息法提供意见。但是基于操守并未公开咨询细节,因为保密乃是坦诚交流的先决。 该公会称,在咨询中即便在一些事项保留意见(“agree to disagree”),但相信这是有建设性的咨询能让社会受益,“我们扮演我们的角色,以对有关立法课题作有意义的发声,胜于陷入论战。” 对此,人权律师张素兰则表示,虽然可以理解律师公会的立场,不过律师公会私下与政府磋商提供意见已成惯例,公会更倾向于管好自家事,也不会公开对法律、政策和不公发表公开言论。 她指出,根据律师专业法令(Legal Profession Acr)38(C)条文,要求该公会“针对所有与法律相关事宜、行政与操守等事项协助政府和法庭”。 她提及,该公会可能相信,有时私下提供政府建会较有建设性,然而上述条文也只是一个参考指南,并没有阻止该公会公开表达他们的看法。 张素兰是在今日于功能八号氏族会脸书专页上,对于律师公会的回应表达看法。 张素兰解释,律师公会私下提供政府咨询已成惯例。只有极少数情况下,例如有成员呼吁召开特别大会,反对1984年刑事法典修正案,或者高级会员或前主席如已故CC…

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